This is a test-app, created on top of [Botpress]( that is intended to demonstrate MVP of real-world usage within a beauty-saloon.
This is a test-app, created on top of Botpress that is intended to demonstrate MVP of real-world usage within a beauty-saloon.
Tasks are managed within Trello-board.
Running app locally
- Make sure to have node installed
- Make sure you have Postgres >=9.5 installed and running
- Create Postgres-database like this:
sudo -u postgres psql postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE sirius-beauty WITH ENCODING 'UTF8'"
, wheresirius_beauty
is database name andpostgres
- your Postgres superuser - Create postgres.js configuration file based on template:
cp postgres.js.example postgres.js
- You can now start application via
botpress start
- Configure Messenger connection settings
We are using Heroku as our staging server.
To deploy latest version you need to:
- Add heroku remote
heroku git:remote -a siriusai-beautybot
- run
git push heroku master
Code style
We are using eslint to ensure consisten code-style. We also have pre-commit to make sure all the code gets validated before commit.