Create and deploy Singular Widget and Singualr App from command line
Singular-cli Documentation
Last updated: Oct.2024 (tm)
Welcome to the Singular-cli provides commands to create Singular Widget and App boilerplates and deploy your Widget, App and Interactive Layer code to the Singular platform.
If you want to develop Singular Widgets, Apps and Interactive Layer Scripts, please check out the Singular Develop Docs at
This documentation is open source. If you’ve found any errors, typos or would like to improve this document, feel free to send us requests and comments to [email protected].
Setting up your Environment
The Singular-cli requires a local installation of node.js. You can find the latest documentation on node.js and download it from
Note: We recommend installing node.js version 8.11.3LTS!
Installation of the Singular-cli
After the installation of node.js, open the console and install the latest Singular-cli by running this command:
npm install singular-cli -g
Available commands from the singular-cli
After the installation of the cli, console commands to create and deploy Singular Widgets, Apps and Interactive Layer Scripts will be available.
The create commands serve to clone the Singular boilerplates into the specified folder.
The deploy commands check, package and upload the Widget or App Code to the platform. Every Widget and App is identified by a unique deploy key
. Please refer to the Singular Knowledge Base for details on how to generate a deploy key
Create Singular Widget boiler plate:
singular createwidget <widget name>
Deploy Singular Widget:
singular deploywidget <widget folder name>
Create Singular App boiler plate:
singular createapp <app name>
Deploy Singular App:
singular deployapp <app folder name>
Deploy Singular App for test (using deploytestkey.json):
singular deploytestapp <app folder name>
Getting Help
- Need help? Ask a question to the Singular Helpdesk.
- Found a bug? You can open a GitHub issue.
Questions & More Information Needed?
Source code of the widget and App boiler plates:
Please contact our helpdesk, customers’ success or support team:
- Visit us at:
- for support please contact: [email protected]