This is a forked, reduced and typed version of simjs
This is a reduced fork of sim.j with typescript types. It is modified in such a way that it can be used with asynchronous operation e.g. a server. This is done by recursevly calling setImmediate. In addtion, a library was added to handle time conversion.
How to use it
Install the module via npm
npm i -s simts
Give a a component the ISimEntity interface and/or let it inherit from the abstract class SimEntity.
export class ProductionNetwork extends SimEntity
Then, an instance of the class must be registered to the engine as following:
import { Sim} from "simts";
sim = new Sim();
let productionNetwork = new ProductionNetwork();
sim.addEntity(productionNetwork); //Hereafter, the engine will call the start function of production network; When the start function is not overwriten, it will do nothing
The SimEntity class implements the following functions:
time(): void;
setTimer(duration: number): Request;
waitEvent(event: Event): Request;
queueEvent(event: Event): Request;
send(message: String | number, delay: number, entities: any): void;
log(message: string | number): void;
start(): void;
abstract sim: Sim;
sendMessage(): void;