A Simple and Minimalist React Components Library
A Simple and Minimalist React Components Library
This library needs the tailwindcss stylesheet to work
npm install --save simply-react-ui-components tailwindcss
We need to wrap our App into SimplyUIProvider to config some thinigs as the Link component that we're going to use to move around our application.
import { SimplyUIProvider } from 'simply-react-ui-components'
import 'tailwindcss/dist/tailwind.min.css';
import Link from 'next/Link';
export default function App() {
return (
<SimplyUIProvider Link={Link} library="nextjs">
<MyApp />
| name | Type | Description | | - | - | - | | Link | String, node or function | Set the Link element that is going to be used to move in the application. Default: 'a' | | library | String | If your going to use an extra library like NextJS, this is were you need to specify it. Default: undefined
I'm starting this development as a hobby so feel free to make changes and I'll review them to merge with the main project.
The Button component has just necessary to look good and work good taking the role of a simply button or a Link, if you use an internal Link the it's going to use Link component provided at SimplyUIProvider, otherwhise it's going to use an a tag.
import { Button } from 'simply-react-ui-components'
export default function Layout() {
return (
Let's start
| Name | Type | Description | | - | - | - | | children | ReactNode | Content from the button, you can pass just a string or a whole component if you want something like an icon with the text or something like that. | | onClick | function | The function to trigger when button it's clicked. Default: () => {}. | | href | String | The path which you're going to be moved when button it's clicked if you want to. Default: undefined | | background | String | Color background of the button. Default: undefined | | color | String | Color of the text of the button in case that you pass only a String as children. Default: undefined | | rounded | Boolean or String | This is to add rounded courners to Button. Default: undefined | | className | String | If you want to add a class to add margin or something. Default: undefined |
The Header component has a couple but useful personalizations, like keep header items on small devices, add a shadow when exists scroll, change the background when there's no scroll and when there's is.
import { Header } from 'simply-react-ui-components'
export default function Layout() {
return (
label: "Blog",
button: {
rounded: true
| Name | Type | Description | | - | - | - | | position | String | Define the Header position. Default: 'relative' | | title | String or function | Define the Header title, usually is the platfform name, allow you to pass a function to fully personalize this part. Default: '' | | shadow | Boolean, Object or String | This enable a small elevation, can be shown when there's scroll or always, also let you set a custom shadow to match your background. Default: false | | background | String or object | Set the Header background, allow to set a static solid background, a translucent background or even a background who changes depending on scroll. Default: undefined | | color | String or object | Set the color from label items, allow you to set a static value, a value from labels and title or event an initial color and a scroll color for both, title and labels. Default: undefined | | items | Array | Here you can set the header item labels like a blog label or a sign in button. The array must receive objects with a label item, allow you to set an href or onClick action also accepts the button item to make item look like a button. Default: [] | | sidebarButton | Boolean, function or String | Choose if you want to display a sidebar button always, only in small devices or big devices, also allow you to pass a function to fully customize the sidebar button, when you use a function, the function receive this values to let you interact with header internal state: isSidebarOpen, setIsSidebarOpen, scrolled. Default: false | | hideItemsOnSmallDevices | Boolean | This let the header items intact even in small devices, in false then the items will hide on small devices. Default: true | | withCart | Object, Boolean or String | Show a cart icon if true, show a cart icon with link if value is a String. Also have the possibility to show it only on specific screen size. Default: false | | cartCount | Number | This allow you to display a count of the items in the cart. Default: undefined | | sidebarState | Boolean | Sync internal state with external. Default: undefined |
The Sidebar component has the necessary to create a simple menu and / or display header items on small devices.
import { useState } from 'react'
import { Sidebar } from 'simply-react-ui-components'
export default function Layout() {
const [isSidebarOpen] = useState(false)
return (
label: 'Services'
| Name | Type | Description | | - | - | - | | isOpen | Boolean | This set if sidebar should be visible in the case that position is fixed or absolute. Default: true | | background | String | Set the Sidebar backgrund color. Default: undefined | | shadowColor | String | If your page background it's black by example, you can use this to modify the current shadow-box property of the Sidebar to achieve a better slide effect when sidebar switch between show and hide. Default: undefined | | position | String | Set the sidebar position, like fixed, absolute or relative. Default: relative | | close | Function | This it's usefull to ensure that sidebar is going to be closed after an item it's clicked. Default: () => {} | | items | Array | An array of object which is going to be rendered on sidebar. Default: [] | | color | String | Here you can set the color of the items on the Sidebar. Default: undefined |
The Footer component has the necessary to make your site comfortable to your users.
import { Footer } from 'simply-react-ui-components'
export default function Layout() {
return (
short: 'Simply Development',
long: 'Simply Development',
withCopyright: true,
withYear: true
title: 'white',
item: 'white'
facebook: '',
instagram: '',
twitter: '',
linkedin: '',
github: ''
label: 'Privacy',
href: '/privacy'
label: 'Terms of use',
href: '/terms-of-use'
| Name | Type | Description | | - | - | - | | brand | String, function or object | You can pass a simple String, or be more explicit passing and object with copyright and year to look more profesional, you can also can have total control passing a custom component as a function | | background | String | Here you can set the footer background. Default: undefined | | color | String or object | Set the color of the footer elements, you can als set a color for brand and for other elements. Default: undefined | | items | Array | Set the footer elements, like privacy page, terms and conditions and stuffs like that. Default: [] | | social | object | Set your social networks. Default: undefined |
The Banner component it's useful to start a page, write your pitch and show your brand to your users.
import { Banner } from 'simply-react-ui-components'
export default function Layout() {
return (
title="Lo que necesitas, cuando lo necesitas"
message="Encargate de lo que amas, nosotros nos encargamos del desarrollo y la estrategía para ayudarte a crecer"
text: 'Comencemos',
rounded: true
| Name | Type | Description | | - | - | - | | background | String or object | Set the background of the banner with a solid color, a linear gradient or an image. Default: undefined | | contentPosition | String or object | Set the position of the main content, also let you set a position for small devices and for big ones. Default: 'left' | | title | String | Title of the banner, this is were you begin your pitch. | | message | String | Here you can complete your pitch. Default: undefined | | button | String or object | Call to action, use this to move your users to another page or execute some action. default: undefined | | item | Object | Complete your banner putting some image of your products. Default: undefined |
This component let you show a simple cookie consent for your users to accept it.
import { CookieConsent } from 'simply-react-ui-components'
export default function Layout() {
return (
accent={() => {}}
We use cookies and other technologies to collect data about your browser, device and location. For more information see our Privacy Policy.
| Name | Type | Description | | - | - | - | | background | String | Background of the container. Default: undefined | | translucent | Boolean | If you want the container to be a little bit translucent. Default: false | | children | ReactNode | The content to display as message, it's a React node instead of a simple String cause of this way you can set by example an a tag inside to move your users to your privacy policy. | | color | String | Color of the the acceptance message. Default: undefined | | acceptance | String or Object | This it's the button in the right side, pass a string or an object with text, color an action to trigger when it's clicked. |
Display something important, a project, notice or something.
import { SectionWithItem } from 'simply-react-ui-components'
export default function Layout() {
return (
title={() => <img src={`${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/oaxacarifa.jpg`} className="h-8 mb-5 mx-auto md:mx-0" alt="Oaxacarifa" />}
pitch="Marca 100% Oaxaqueña en busca de compartir el espiritu oaxaqueño"
small: 'center',
big: 'left'
pitch: 'black',
description: '',
accent: '#e92f2d'
description="Al adquirir productos Oaxacarifa, apoyas a deportistas y artistas urbanos a que sigan con su increíble trabajo."
label: 'Ir al sitio',
color: 'white',
rounded: true,
| Name | Type | Description | | - | - | - | | position | String or Object | Set position of the main info, also gives you the capability to set a position for small and another for big screens. Default: "left" | | title | String or Function | Pass a string or a whole component to display the title of the section. Default: undefined | | pitch | String | Show the pitch of the section. | | description | String | Be more explicit about what you want to tell. Default: undefined | | color | String or Object | Set the color or the text of the section or be more specific setting an accent, title and normal color. Default: undefined | | action | Display a button to trigger and action or move your users to somewhere else, also you can pass an entire component to give them more interectivity. Default: undefined | | item | Object | Display an item to ilustrate the section, by now image type it's only avaliable. Default: undefined |
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