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Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

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© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Client module for controlling Simplisafe alarm systems (model year 2018+)





GitHub CI status

A simple module for arming, disarming, and getting the status and systems of recent (2018+) Simplisafe alarm systems.


You'll need:

  • A set up & configured Simplisafe alarm (2018+, also known as "All new Simplisafe")
  • The email and password to the Simplisafe account you'll be using with this client
npm i simplisafe

Require simplisafe in your project:

let simplisafe = require('simplisafe')


simplisafe must be used with configuration set via either environment variables, or passed as parameters. (If both are supplied, the environment variable will win.)

Environment variables

The following configuration environment variables are required if not passing a config object:

  • SIMPLISAFE_EMAIL - string - the email associated with your Simplisafe account
  • SIMPLISAFE_PASSWORD - string - your Simplisafe password
  • SIMPLISAFE_SESSION_ID - string - validated session ID (see authorization below)

To work with simplisafe locally, I suggest setting up your variables with dotenv.

Config object

The following configuration keys are required if not using the environment variables noted above:

  • email - string - the email associated with your Simplisafe account
  • password - string - your Simplisafe password
  • sessionID - string - validated session ID (see authorization below)


Simplisafe's API uses short-lived tokens; simplisafe returns a token string from its first session initiation; subsequent requests may reuse the same token.

⚠️ Warning: Depending on how your processes run, network conditions, API latency, etc., these tokens may expire mid-use. If you aren't totally sure, don't reuse your token between transactions.




  • simplisafe.authorize
  • simplisafe.logout

Status / info

  • simplisafe.status

Arm / disarm

  • simplisafe.arm
  • simplisafe.disarm


simplisafe.authorize([params][, callback])[Promise]

⚠️ Required step!

Before you can use simplisafe, you'll have to authorize a session (i.e. your SIMPLISAFE_SESSION_ID, which is just a unique identifier that you'll continue reusing). You only need to authorize a session one time – you should not attempt continued / ongoing reauthorization attempts for each invocation.

If passed, params must be an object; this object may contain a config object.

Calls back or returns error or string of the authorized session ID.

To authorize an session, you must run simplisafe.authorize once with valid credentials, then complete authorization of the session by clicking the email Simplisafe will send to your account's email address.

  • First, assuming your configuration env vars are set, initiate the request for an auth code by calling: simplisafe.authorize()
  • Alternately, if passing a config object, initiate the request for an auth code by calling: simplisafe.authorize({config: {...})
  • Save the session ID (which is a standard UUID, e.g. a1b2c3d4-9038-4a0b-b4cf-5bb60355d2ee) to your env vars or config for future use
  • Go check your email and click the verification link; you should now have an authorized session!

⚠️ Warning: if you change your SIMPLISAFE_SESSION_ID, or don't make use of that session for an extended period of time, you'll have to repeat the authorization process again.

// Initiate MFA flow via email
  config: {
}, console.log)
// a1b2c3d4-9038-4a0b-b4cf-5bb60355d2ee

simplisafe.logout([params][, callback])[Promise]

Deauthorizes your current session ID. Only use this method when you're sure you no longer need to use this library, as all operations will cease to function until you authorize a fresh session ID.

If passed, params must be an object; this object may contain a config object.

Calls back or returns error.

Note: this action has no impact on your account, nor its associated email or password. This only relates to the session used by this library to access Simplisafe via API.

// Destroy your current session ID
  config: {
}, console.log)

Status / info

simplisafe.status([params][, callback])[Promise]

If passed, params must be an object; this object may contain a systemID string, config object, and token string.

Calls back or returns error or object containing alarm arming status of a single system, and a reusable token:

  • If your account only has access to a single system, you can opt not to specify a systemID
  • If your account has access multiple alarms, you must specify a systemID
    • This is to prevent arming or disarming the wrong alarm, which would be pretty not good
  • For reference, system states:
    • system is disarmed
    • status.away: system is armed in away mode
    • status.home: system is armed in home mode
    • (There may be other alarm statuses that I have not yet seen)
// Check your system's current arming status
const simplisafe = require('simplisafe')

simplisafe.status({ systemID: '76332481' }, console.log)
// {
//   status: 'off', // also: 'home', 'away'
//   token: 'foobar'
// }[params][, callback])[Promise]

If passed, params must be an object, and may contain a config object, and token string.

Calls back or returns error or object containing systems that your valid session has access to, and a reusable token

// Check all your system data
const simplisafe = require('simplisafe')
// {
//   subscriptions: [
//     {
//       uid: 18423367, // User ID
//       sid: 76332481, // System ID
//       status: [Object], // Some interesting status data
//       location: [Object], // Some site-specific data
//       ...
//     }
//  ],
//  token: 'foobar'
// }

Arm / disarm

simplisafe.arm([params][, callback])[Promise]

If passed, params must be an object, and may contain a systemID string, config object, options object, and token string.

By default, calling simplisafe.arm will arm your system to away mode. To arm your system in home mode, include options with a boolean named home (see example below).

Calls back or returns error or object containing response after arming a system, and a reusable token

  • If your account only has access to a single system, you can opt not to specify a systemID
  • If your account has access multiple alarms, you must specify a systemID
    • This is to prevent arming the wrong alarm, which would be pretty not good
// Arm a specific alarm
const simplisafe = require('simplisafe')

  systemID: '76332481', // Optional if you only have one alarm system
  options: { home: true }
}, console.log)
// {
//   state: 'HOME',
//   stateUpdated: 1599000001,
//   exitDelay: 0,
//   token: 'foobar'
// }
// Assuming your have only one Simplisafe alarm on your account
const simplisafe = require('simplisafe')

;(async () => {
  await simplisafe.arm()

simplisafe.disarm([params][, callback])[Promise]

If passed, params must be an object, and may contain a systemID string, config object, and token string.

Calls back or returns error or object containing response after arming a system, and a reusable token

  • If your account only has access to a single system, you can opt not to specify a systemID
  • If your account has access multiple alarms, you must specify a systemID
    • This is to prevent disarming the wrong alarm, which would be pretty not good
// Disarm a specific system
const simplisafe = require('simplisafe')

simplisafe.disarm({ systemID: '76332481' }, console.log)
// {
//   state: 'OFF',
//   stateUpdated: 1599000001,
//   exitDelay: 0,
//   token: 'foobar'
// }
// Assuming your have only one Simplisafe alarm on your account
const simplisafe = require('simplisafe')

;(async () => {
  await simplisafe.disarm()


  • Please fork and submit PRs against master
  • Make sure unit tests pass
  • Integration tests should also pass, but are not automated
    • Because we wouldn't want real alarms getting armed and disarmed in the real world, integration tests are not part of the automated test suite
    • To run them, ensure you are using a valid API key¹, set up your local .env file, and test against your own hardware with a valid session


Big ups to Aaron Bach's simplisafe-python project for paving the way, and to Justin Searls for npm simplisafe


¹ simplisafe uses Simplisafe's unpublished API; if you'd like to contribute additional features or functionality, I suggest using their web client and monitoring request/response traffic, or checking out simplisafe-python

  • This module was tested with a 2020-era Simplisafe system
  • This module is not intended to provide complete coverage of the Simplisafe API, only the what's necessary to operate core functionality of an alarm
  • Unfortunately, Simplisafe does not publish their API for consumer usage, so this may break at any time; Simplisafe name etc. trademark Simplisafe, Inc.
  • I am in no way responsible for any safety issues that arise from the use of this module!