Simplified Awilix
API Documentation
- I'm a functional programmer.
- I personally do not expose classes to the public.
- It is easy to infer function from value when not using classes.
- If I really need to expose a class. I'll use the resolver functions that awilix exposes.
- I also don't use the injection technique very often.
- I also do not have to adapt my libraries to use what I need awilix for.
- I write my code to be as environmentally agnostic as possible. Hence, my need for handling dependencies myself.
So, with all that boiled off, all I needed was Awilix.createContainer
- No need for asFunction, asValue, unless using injections. But you could still use them (see example)
- Container.cradle doesn't throw on unregistered dependencies and by default returns undefined, but you can change this behavior.
- Install dependencies yourself, in this case, Awilix.
- Then createContainer() !!!
- createScope works as expected
import {createContainer, install, configuration} from "simplified-awilix";
// If node, will import from your project dependencies
// if browser, will use jsdelivr to download the browser version of awilix.
await install();
// If you're bundling, or got awilix imported in other ways, or you have it in an import map, modifiy the configuration
// to include it.
import * as AwilixModule from "awilix";
import {createContainer, install, configuration} from "simplified-awilix";
configuration.dependencies.awilix = {
get() {
return AwilixModule
await install();
class CoffeeDrinker {
constructor({howMuch}) {
this.howMuch = howMuch;
get drinkCoffee() {
return "I drank " + this.howMuch + " cups of coffee"
const container = createContainer()
howMuch: 5,
drinkCoffee({howMuch}) {
return "I drank " + howMuch + " cups of coffee"
// IF you really need class
coffeeDrinker: asClass(CoffeeDrinker),
// Or if you really need to use the inject feature
injectable: asFunction(({howMuch}) => {
return "I drank " + howMuch + " cups of coffee"
}).inject(() => ({howMuch: 100})),
expanded: {
// Use an object with this interface signature
// For a function that needs fine-tuned configuration
resolver({howMuch}) {
// Override the lifetime
lifetime: "scoped",
// Add disposer
disposer(expanded) {
// Inject stuff
injector() {
// Set lifetime of the entire set of functions
}, "transient")
// Maybe have some scoped dependencies
}, "scoped")
// Altnerative signature supported
.register("alternative", () => "signature", "scoped")
// Or use the added convenience functions
// The convenience functions also support alternative signature.
.registerTransient("transientOne", () => "hi I'm transient")
container.cradle.drinkCoffee; // 5;
container.cradle.missingFunction // undefined;
Test it
npm test
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.