A nice greeter
Welcome to the world's simplest WWW automation framework. With this, you can write a high-quality e2e automation test in a very simple compact way without any code.
- Write automation without any code.
- Simple to write the test case
- The testcase is very compact - Everyline of the textcase file should be one complete test case.
- it takes 1/10000000 efforts to write a testcase than the feature dev.
Getting started
- sudo npm install simplewebtest -g
- create a testcase file : vim testcase.txt.
- write a test case line: open: => typeWithEnter:name_p:DIPANKAR => verifyBodyText: DIAPANKAR.
- Run test case by : $ simplewebtest -f ./testcase.txt
How to write the testcase?
The whole pupose of this freamwork to be productive by quickly writing testcase in very compact way.
- there should be one and only one testcase file called testcase.txt.
- Each line of this testcase file would be a test case.
- Each test case conatins a sequence of events like open a page or click a button is an evenets, seperated by =>. e.f evnet1 => event2 => evenet3 ..
- each events can either be an "action" or an "verify" and a collection of arguments, seperated by ":". For example: open: is a an event where "open" is the name of the event and is the url to be open.