yet another less wrapper with some preconfigured plugins, `less-plugin-glob`, `autoprefixes`, and a very useful watch mode
is yet another less wrapper. This one will:
- parse your
files - allow you to include several files using
- inline small url files into the output css file
- copy the urls that cannot be inlined to a folder relative to the output
- provide the option to include a banner
- provide the option to pass a revision number
- generate the minimized version if required
- provide the option to include custom functions.
are included as an example of how to add custom functions. the code issimpless/lib/default-user-fns.js
. It is intented to be a guidance of how to add this functions toless
TODO: Add a cache mode for incremental builds
The module used to have colored output. It has being removed because not all terminals use the same color scheme. --colored-ouput
can be used to get the colored output back
Just wanted to have a good wrapper to process my less resources, without having to manually install all of the dependencies.
Also the watch mode was something I really need to have. All the other solutions were only listening on the main entry file
but if an imported file changed, then I was lost. I know I can use gulp-progeny
or something similar to achieve the same, but
I didn't wanted to depend on a task runner. I'm trying to embrace the npm as build tool approach. This module is helping now to get some sanity to my building process and hope it can help others as well.
npm i -g simpless
here is the output of the --help
`simpless` is yet another less wrapper. This one will:
- parse your `less` files
- allow you to include several files using `less-plugin-glob` `@import "some/glob/**/*.less"
- inline small url files into the output css file
- copy the urls that cannot be inlined to a folder relative to the output
- provide a watch mode to rebuild the css on any change of the entry file and any of its dependencies
- will make you happy!. Well maybe, at least I hope it will do its best effort!
Usage: simpless [options] glob [glob1] [glob2]..[globN]
-b, --browsers [String] the browsers to autoprefix. Default is `last 2 browsers`
-a, --advance-min Whether or not to apply more risky structural optimizations for CSS. By Default is `false`. Use it with care. Requires
-c, --copy-assets Copy the assets to the destination folder. By default is `true` - default: true
-p, --assets-path-format String The format of the assets rewrite path. By default is `assets/{REVISION}_{GUID}_{FNAME}` where {REVISION} is the revision
passed to the command, {GUID} the unique indetifier or the resource and {FNAME} the filename.
-m, --minimize Whether to minimize or not the output or not. By default is `false`. When the flag is set both the non minimified and
minified versions will be created
-w, --watch wait for changes on the files and dependencies to rebuild the target
-d, --watch-delay Number Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before emitting an "update" event after a change - default: 600
-o, --output String The path and name for the output file
-r, --revision String The revision to use in the file names and assets, for example the build number or other number to identify this resource
--banner String The banner to put at the top of the compiled files
-u, --user-functions String the path to the user functions module. A simple object where each key is the name of the function and the value is the custom
function itself
-h, --help Show this help
-v, --version Outputs the version number
-q, --quiet Show only the summary info - default: false
--colored-output Use colored output in logs
# this will compile demo.less and other-file.less into out.css
simpless src/demo.less src/other-file.less -o dest/out.css
# this will compile demo.less and other-file.less into out.css
# and generate out.min.css also
simpless src/demo.less src/other-file.less -o dest/out.css -m
# this will compile demo.less and other-file.less into out.css
# and generate out.min.css using structure modifications. Use it with care.
simpless src/demo.less src/other-file.less -o dest/out.css -ma
# this will compile demo.less and other-file.less into out.1.5.3.css
# and generate out.1.5.3.min.css using structure modifications and a revision value
simpless src/demo.less src/other-file.less -o dest/out.css -ma -r 1.5.3
# this will compile demo.less and other-file.less into out.1.5.3.css
# and generate out.1.5.3.min.css using structure modifications and a
# revision value and set the browsers to use autoprefix to `last 1 version`
simpless src/demo.less src/other-file.less -o dest/out.css -ma -r 1.5.3 -b 'last 1 version'
# generate a file with a banner, both normal and minified.
simpless -o demo/dest/demo.css demo/src/demo-with-fns.less --banner="/*! some license info for the generated file */" -ma
# use some custom functions defined in an external module
simpless -o demo/dest/demo.css demo/src/demo-with-fns.less -ma -u './path/to/custom-functions';
# generate the combined output of demo.css and demo-with-fns.less using --colored-ouput and a delay of 250ms
simpless -w -o demo/dest/demo.css demo/src/demo.less demo/src/demo-with-fns.less --colored-output -d 250
# Same as above but include customFunctions js file
simpless -u lib/default-user-fns.js -w -o demo/dest/demo.css demo/src/demo.less demo/src/demo-with-fns.less --colored-output -d 250