A simple package that will help you run your app with mongodb as easy as possible
Simple mongo node
- Perform quick functions with this very lightweight package to run mongodb queries on the fly with ease.
- The available functions are insert, update, delete and find
- First initialize the package in your main file once by importing and calling the init function
const {DB} from 'package'
DB.init(urlString, yourDbName);
To insert a record just call the insert method by just importing the insert or calling it as a function of DB when imported
- const {DB} from 'package'
- DB.insert(collectionName,data, multiple, callback)
Your data is of the type object as mongodb works with key: value data, so for example
- {name: kofi, age: 22, hometown: fort dale}
Multiple means more than one entry is to be inserted and is of the type boolean, if inserting more than one record, set to true
Callback is a function with error as the first argument and response as the second argument *You can get the inserted value by getting the data as shown in the example below
- You can either use an arrow function and a normal js function
** (err, data)=>{ if(data){ data.ops[0]; //This is your data inserted data.ops; // Data inserted if multple } }
function(err, data){
-the other functions are -createUnique(name,uniqueField) -find(name,condition, callback); -delete(name,condition, multiple, callback); -update(name,condition, multiple, callback)
Condition is also of the object type so a condition like {name: kofi} will update all records with the name kofi if multiple is set to true and just one if multiple is set to false name refers to the collection name uniqueFiled is of the object type where the key is the field you want to set as the unique field and the value is 1 so for example simple.createUnique("bin", {email: 1}); You can just call all the createUnique once by listing in one file and calling on launch then you can go ahead and write to the db with ease and read
- npm i simplemongojs