A very simple light weight logging util for AWS lambda
Simple Lambda Logging
Copyright (c) 2019 Seán D. Murray SEE MIT LICENSE FILE
NO dependency, very simple util to make logging to the lambda console debug/info/warn/error logs easier.
To turn off debug/info/warn/error set the following enviromental variables to any value: NODEBUG='anyvaluehere' NOINFO='anyvaluehere' NOWARN='anyvaluehere' NOERROR='anyvaluehere'
const Log = require('simple_lambda_logging');
// A default template applied to all levels.
let log = new Log('This default template used for all debug/info/warn/error. util.format syntax is %s here');
log.outDebug('will debug to console', 'will be be applied to the default template');
log.outInfo('will info to console', 'will be be applied to the default template');
log.outWarn('will warn to console', 'will be be applied to the default template');
log.outError('will error to console', 'will be be applied to the default template');
log = new Log(); // an empty template string is used for all levels
log.debug = 'a new debug %s format template';
log.outDebug('will debug to console', 'but will be be applied to the above over ride debug template');
log.outInfo('will info to console', 'will use the deafult template which is empty so shows just this string');