Contentstack specific framework to scrap data from a website and to Contentstack
Simple website scraper
About this Package
This is contentstack headless cms specific only Provide urls and what to extract and you are good to go
npm install simple-website-scraper
You will need to create a config.json, urls.json and schemaFile files as following
"api_key" : "stack api key",
"email" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "xyz",
"parentUid" : "asstes folder uid",
"contentUid": "contenttype uid",
"baseUrl" : "",
"schemaFile": "authors.json",
"ssr" : false,
"locale" :"en-us",
"import" : false
You can also use authtoken instead of email and password here.
ssr = true , turn on server side rendering
import = false, import entries and dump on system and do not upload to Contentstack
schemaFile: It will guide the framework what needs to be scrapped from the provided URLs using jQuery.
authors.json (schemaFile) : we will map page elements that needs to be scrapped
"title": "$('title')",
"url": "getRelativeUrl()",
"name": "$('.author_name').text()",
"profile_description": "rteHandler($('.author_description'))",
"seo": "seoHandler()"
"urls": ["", "", ""]
You have access to some internal variables like -
1. relativePageUrl // /blog/authors/shern
2. currentUrl //
3. $ - DOM of the current page
You have access to some internal functions like -
seoHandler: It will return meta title, keywords and descriptions in following format
"title": "current page meta title",
"description": "current page meta description",
"keywords": "current page meta keywords",
getRelativeUrl: It will return relativePageUrl
getUrl: it will return full URL of current page
imageHandler: input - src of image, output - uid of image uploaded of Contentstack
rteHandler: input - dom, output - it will upload all assets/images to Contentstack and update the srcs and links to uploaded assets/images to Contentstack and return updated DOM
Start scraping
const scrap = require('simple-website-scraper').scrap
.then( response => response)
.catch( err => console.log(err))