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Simple easy to understand SDK adapted for BSC!





npm version downloads

Sushiswap SDK which handles the routes automatically for you, changes in trade quotes reactive subscriptions, exposure to formatted easy to understand information, bringing back the best trade quotes automatically, generating transactions for you and much more. All the Sushiswap logic for you in a simple to easy understand interface to hook straight into your dApp without having to understand how it all works.

Please note this is not owned or maintained by sushiswap and is a open source package for anyone to use freely.

Features 🚀

🚀 Queries all the best routes and finds the best price for you 🚀 Exposes all the route paths it tried so you can see every detail in how it worked out the best price 🚀 Easy subscriptions to get alerted when the price moves or the trade expires 🚀 The transaction is generated for you, just fill it with the gas details and send it on its way 🚀 All the figures are all formatted for you, no need to worry about timing it back to its decimal formatted place, just render it straight onto your UI 🚀 Exposes all the tokens metadata for you, name, symbol, decimals 🚀 Uses multicall for every on chain lookup, so even though it could be doing 100 JSONRPC calls it is all put into a few calls meaning it can stay very fast 🚀 Tidy bundle size 🚀 Fully typescript supported with full generated typings 🚀 Other cool internal stuff exposed for your use

  • 🚀query many tokens in 1 jsonrpc call perfect to get token metadata fast
  • 🚀all the sushiswap contracts are all exposed for your use with full typings if you wanted to call a more bespoke method
  • 🚀 and much more!!


As a ethereum dApp developer you try to get your dApp experience as integrated as possible, Ethereum right now is hard to show in a web2.0 world as it is. On top of this as a developer you have to learn all the complex stuff for the blockchain which can take its toll on you.

When I was integrating sushiswap on our wallet I found that their SDK was a bit too much for what I needed. Deepdown from the dApp point of view I only really cared about getting the best price for the user with all the fees related. I also found myself having to write a lot of custom code which I thought could be abstracted away so nobody has to deal with that again. A lot of the sushiswap features like routing is all done in their client itself which is great but not when you want to use it in a more integrated approach in your on dApp.



$ npm install simple-sushiswap-sdk


$ yarn add simple-sushiswap-sdk

SDK guide

Creating a sushiswap pair factory

The sushiswap pair factory is an instance which is joint together with the from token and the to token, it is all self contained in the instance and exposes easy methods for you to call to start using sushiswap.

export class SushiswapPair {
    private _sushiswapPairContext:
      | SushiswapPairContextForChainId
      | SushiswapPairContextForProviderUrl
export enum ChainId {
  MAINNET = 1,
  ROPSTEN = 3,
  RINKEBY = 4,
  GÖRLI = 5,
  KOVAN = 42,

interface SushiswapPairContextBase {
  fromTokenContractAddress: string;
  toTokenContractAddress: string;
  ethereumAddress: string;
  settings?: SushiswapPairSettings | undefined;

export interface SushiswapPairContextForChainId
  extends SushiswapPairContextBase {
  chainId: ChainId | number;

export interface SushiswapPairContextForProviderUrl
  extends SushiswapPairContextForChainId {
  providerUrl: string;
export class SushiswapPairSettings {
  slippage: number;
  deadlineMinutes: number;
  disableMultihops: boolean;

  constructor(settings?: {
    slippage?: number | undefined;
    deadlineMinutes?: number | undefined;
    disableMultihops?: boolean | undefined;
  }) {
    this.slippage = settings?.slippage || 0.005;
    this.deadlineMinutes = settings?.deadlineMinutes || 20;
    this.disableMultihops = settings?.disableMultihops || false;
import { SushiswapPair, ChainId } from 'simple-sushiswap-sdk';

const sushiswapPair = new SushiswapPair({
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert FROM
  fromTokenContractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert TO
  toTokenContractAddress: '0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862',
  // the ethereum address of the user using this part of the dApp
  ethereumAddress: '0xB1E6079212888f0bE0cf55874B2EB9d7a5e02cD9',
  chainId: ChainId.MAINNET,
  // you can pass in the provider url as well if you want
  // providerUrl: YOUR_PROVIDER_URL,
  settings: new SushiswapPairSettings({
    // if not supplied it will use `0.005` which is 0.5%
    // please pass it in as a full number decimal so 0.7%
    // would be 0.007
    slippage: 0.005,
    // if not supplied it will use 20 a deadline minutes
    deadlineMinutes: 20,
    // if not supplied it will try to use multihops
    // if this is true it will require swaps to direct
    // pairs
    disableMultihops: false,

// now to create the factory you just do
const sushiswapPair = await sushiswapPair.createFactory();

Catching error

I know randomly throwing errors with no error codes is a pain when writing dApps. In this package when we throw we have our own custom error. This has error codes you can map to what actually happened to allow your dApp to handle them gracefully.

export class SushiswapError extends Error {
  public name = 'SushiswapError';
  public code: ErrorCodes;
  public message: string;
  constructor(message: string, code: ErrorCodes) {
    this.message = message;
    this.code = code;
export enum ErrorCodes {
  noRoutesFound = 1,
  canNotFindChainId = 2,
  tokenChainIdContractDoesNotExist = 3,
  tradePathIsNotSupported = 4,
  generateApproveMaxAllowanceDataNotAllowed = 5,
  fromTokenContractAddressRequired = 6,
  fromTokenContractAddressNotValid = 7,
  toTokenContractAddressRequired = 8,
  toTokenContractAddressNotValid = 9,
  ethereumAddressRequired = 10,
  ethereumAddressNotValid = 11,
  youMustSupplyAChainId = 12,
  invalidFromOrToContractToken = 13,

Sushiswap pair factory


This exposes the to token contract information, like decimals, symbol and name.

get toToken(): Token
export interface Token {
  chainId: ChainId;
  contractAddress: string;
  decimals: number;
  symbol: string;
  name: string;


import { SushiswapPair, ChainId } from 'simple-sushiswap-sdk';

const sushiswapPair = new SushiswapPair({
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert FROM
  fromTokenContractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert TO
  toTokenContractAddress: '0x7Fc66500c84A76Ad7e9c93437bFc5Ac33E2DDaE9',
  // the ethereum address of the user using this part of the dApp
  ethereumAddress: '0xB1E6079212888f0bE0cf55874B2EB9d7a5e02cD9',
  // you can pass in the provider url as well if you want
  // providerUrl: YOUR_PROVIDER_URL,
  chainId: ChainId.MAINNET,

// now to create the factory you just do
const sushiswapPairFactory = await sushiswapPair.createFactory();

const toToken = sushiswapPairFactory.toToken;
// toToken:
  chainId: 1,
  contractAddress: '0x7Fc66500c84A76Ad7e9c93437bFc5Ac33E2DDaE9',
  decimals: 18,
  symbol: 'AAVE',
  name: 'Aave Token'


This exposes the from token contract information, like decimals, symbol and name.

get fromToken(): Token
export interface Token {
  chainId: ChainId;
  contractAddress: string;
  decimals: number;
  symbol: string;
  name: string;


import { SushiswapPair, ChainId } from 'simple-sushiswap-sdk';

const sushiswapPair = new SushiswapPair({
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert FROM
  fromTokenContractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert TO
  toTokenContractAddress: '0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862',
  // the ethereum address of the user using this part of the dApp
  ethereumAddress: '0xB1E6079212888f0bE0cf55874B2EB9d7a5e02cD9',
  // you can pass in the provider url as well if you want
  // providerUrl: YOUR_PROVIDER_URL,
  chainId: ChainId.MAINNET,

// now to create the factory you just do
const sushiswapPairFactory = await sushiswapPair.createFactory();

const fromToken = sushiswapPairFactory.fromToken;
// fromToken:
  chainId: 1,
  contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
  decimals: 18,
  symbol: '1INCH',
  name: '1INCH Token'


This will generate you the trade with all the information you need to show to the user on the dApp. It will find the best route price for you automatically. You will still need to send the transaction if they confirm the swap, we generate the transaction for you but you will still need to estimate the gas and get them to sign and send it on the dApp once they confirm the swap.

It will also return a hasEnoughAllowance in the TradeContext trade response, if the allowance approved for moving tokens is below the amount sending to the sushiswap router this will be false if not true. We still return the quote but if this is false you need to make sure you send the approval generated data first before being able to do the swap. We advise you check the allowance before you execute the trade which you should do anyway or it will fail onchain. You can use our hasGotEnoughAllowance method below to check and also our generateApproveMaxAllowanceData to generate the transaction for the user to appove moving of the tokens.

Please note ROPSTEN, RINKEBY, GÖRLI and KOVAN will only use WETH as a main currency unlike MAINNET which uses everything, so you will get less routes on those testnets.

async trade(amount: string): Promise<TradeContext>
export interface TradeContext {
  // the amount you requested to convert
  // this will be formatted in readable number
  // so you can render straight out the box
  baseConvertRequest: string;
  // the min amount you will receive taking off the slippage
  // if the price changes below that then
  // the sushiswap contract will throw
  // this will be formatted in readable number
  // so you can render straight out the box
  minAmountConvertQuote: string;
  // the expected amount you will receive
  // this will be formatted in readable number
  // so you can render straight out the box
  expectedConvertQuote: string;
  // A portion of each trade (0.03%) goes to
  // liquidity providers as a protocol of
  // incentive
  liquidityProviderFee: string;
  // A unix datestamp in when this trade expires
  // if it does expiry while looking at it as long
  // as you are hooked onto `quoteChanged$` that will
  // emit you a new valid quote
  tradeExpires: number;
  // the route path mapped with full token info
  routePathTokenMap: Token[];
  // the route text so you can display it on the dApp easily
  routeText: string;
  // the pure route path, only had the arrays in nothing else
  routePath: string[];
  // full list of every route it tried with the expected convert quotes
  // this will be ordered from the best expected convert quote to worse [0] = best
  allTriedRoutesQuotes: {
    expectedConvertQuote: string;
    routePathArrayTokenMap: Token[];
    routeText: string;
    routePathArray: string[];
  // if the allowance approved for moving tokens is below the amount sending to the
  // sushiswap router this will be false if not true
  // this is not reactive so if you get the trade quote
  // and this returns false but then you do the approval
  // transaction, this old context will still say false
  hasEnoughAllowance: boolean;
  // the from token info
  fromToken: Token;
  // the to token info
  toToken: Token;
  // holds the from balance context
  // this is not reactive so if they top
  // up their account after this is generated
  // then you need to query that yourself
  // or regen the trade info
  fromBalance: {
    // if the balance of the users has enough to perform this trade, does not consider gas prices
    // right now if your doing ETH > ERC20
    hasEnough: boolean;
    // the total balance that user has on the from formatted for you already
    balance: string;
  // this is the transaction you need to send if they approve the swap
  // it DOES not estimate gas so you should fill in those blanks before
  // you send it (most dApps have a picker to choose the speed)
  transaction: {
    to: string;
    from: string;
    data: string;
    value: string;
  // this is a stream which emits if the quote has changed, this will emit
  // not matter what you should listen to this for the source of truth
  // for a reactive dApp. If you dont listen to this the user could end up
  // sending a sushiswap transaction which price is now out of date
  quoteChanged$: Observable<TradeContext>;
  // when you generate a trade it does more then just return data, it makes
  // sure your data stays in sync with the `quoteChanged$`, so once you have
  // finished with a trade please call this to do a general clear up so we do
  // not keep timeouts and streams running.
  // when you call this it will kill all `quoteChanged$` subscriptions and
  // some watcher timeouts. If you execute a new trade with a new amount on
  // the same instance it will clear it for you.
  destroy: () => void;
export interface Token {
  chainId: ChainId;
  contractAddress: string;
  decimals: number;
  symbol: string;
  name: string;

export enum ChainId {
  MAINNET = 1,
  ROPSTEN = 3,
  RINKEBY = 4,
  GÖRLI = 5,
  KOVAN = 42,


ERC20 > ERC20

import { SushiswapPair, ChainId, TradeContext } from 'simple-sushiswap-sdk';

const sushiswapPair = new SushiswapPair({
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert FROM
  fromTokenContractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert TO
  toTokenContractAddress: '0x7Fc66500c84A76Ad7e9c93437bFc5Ac33E2DDaE9',
  // the ethereum address of the user using this part of the dApp
  ethereumAddress: '0xB1E6079212888f0bE0cf55874B2EB9d7a5e02cD9',
  // you can pass in the provider url as well if you want
  // providerUrl: YOUR_PROVIDER_URL,
  chainId: ChainId.MAINNET,

// now to create the factory you just do
const sushiswapPairFactory = await sushiswapPair.createFactory();

// the amount is the proper entered amount
// so if they enter 10 pass in 10
// it will work it all out for you
const trade = await'10');

// subscribe to quote changes
trade.quoteChanged$.subscribe((value: TradeContext) => {
  // value will hold the same info as below but obviously with
  // the new trade info.

  baseConvertRequest: '10',
  minAmountConvertQuote: '0.014400465273974444',
  expectedConvertQuote: '0.014730394044348867',
  liquidityProviderFee: '0.030000000000000000',
  tradeExpires: 1612189240,
  routePathTokenMap: [
       chainId: 1,
       contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
       decimals: 18,
       symbol: '1INCH',
       name: '1INCH Token'
       chainId: 1,
       contractAddress: '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F',
       decimals: 18,
       symbol: 'DAI',
       name: 'Dai Stablecoin'
       chainId: 1,
       contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
       decimals: 18,
       symbol: 'WETH',
       name: 'Wrapped Ether'
       chainId: 1,
       contractAddress: '0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862',
       decimals: 18,
       symbol: 'AAVE',
       name: 'Aave Token'
  routeText: '1INCH > DAI > WETH > AAVE',
  routePath:['0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302', '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F', '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2','0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862' ],
  allTriedRoutesQuotes: [
        expectedConvertQuote: '0.014730394044348867',
        routePathArrayTokenMap: [
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
            symbol: 1INCH,
            decimals: 18,
            name: '1INCH Token',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
            decimals: 18,
            symbol: 'WETH',
            name: 'Wrapped Ether',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862',
            symbol: 'AAVE',
            decimals: 18,
            name: 'Aave Token',
        routeText: '1INCH > WETH > AAVE',
        routePathArray: [
        expectedConvertQuote: '0.014606303273323544',
        routePathArrayTokenMap: [
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
            symbol: '1INCH',
            decimals: 18,
            name: '1INCH Token',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F',
            decimals: 18,
            symbol: 'DAI',
            name: 'Dai Stablecoin',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
            decimals: 18,
            symbol: 'WETH',
            name: 'Wrapped Ether',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862',
            symbol: 'AAVE',
            decimals: 18,
            name: 'Aave Token',
        routeText: '1INCH > DAI > WETH > AAVE',
        routePathArray: [
        expectedConvertQuote: '0.013997397994408657',
        routePathArrayTokenMap: [
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
            symbol: '1INCH',
            decimals: 18,
            name: '1INCH Token',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48',
            decimals: 18,
            symbol: 'USDC',
            name: 'USD Coin',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
            decimals: 18,
            symbol: 'WETH',
            name: 'Wrapped Ether',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862',
            symbol: 'AAVE',
            decimals: 18,
            name: 'Aave Token',
        routeText: '1INCH > USDC > WETH > AAVE',
        routePathArray: [
        expectedConvertQuote: '0.000000298264906505',
        routePathArrayTokenMap: [
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
            symbol: '1INCH',
            decimals: 18,
            name: '1INCH Token',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',
            decimals: 18,
            symbol: 'USDT',
            name: 'Tether USD',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
            decimals: 18,
            symbol: 'WETH',
            name: 'Wrapped Ether',
            chainId: 1,
            contractAddress: '0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862',
            symbol: 'AAVE',
            decimals: 18,
            name: 'Aave Token',
        routeText: '1INCH > USDT > WETH > AAVE',
        routePathArray: [
  hasEnoughAllowance: true,
  toToken: {
    chainId: 1,
    contractAddress: '0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862',
    decimals: 18,
    symbol: 'AAVE',
    name: 'Aave Token'
  fromToken: {
    chainId: 1,
    contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
    decimals: 18,
    symbol: '1INCH',
    name: '1INCH Token'
  fromBalance: {
    hasEnough: true,
    balance: "3317.73129463"
  transaction: {
    to: "0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D",
    from: "0xB1E6079212888f0bE0cf55874B2EB9d7a5e02cD9",
    value: "0x00"

// once done with trade aka they have sent it and you don't need it anymore call


import { SushiswapPair, WETH, ChainId, TradeContext } from 'simple-sushiswap-sdk';

const sushiswapPair = new SushiswapPair({
  // use the WETH import from the lib, bare in mind you should use the
  // network which yours on, so if your on rinkeby you should use
  fromTokenContractAddress: WETH.MAINNET().contractAddress,
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert TO
  toTokenContractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
  // the ethereum address of the user using this part of the dApp
  ethereumAddress: '0xB1E6079212888f0bE0cf55874B2EB9d7a5e02cD9',
  // you can pass in the provider url as well if you want
  // providerUrl: YOUR_PROVIDER_URL,
  chainId: ChainId.MAINNET,

// now to create the factory you just do
const sushiswapPairFactory = await sushiswapPair.createFactory();

// the amount is the proper entered amount
// so if they enter 10 pass in 10 and
// it will work it all out for you
const trade = await'10');

// subscribe to quote changes
trade.quoteChanged$.subscribe((value: TradeContext) => {
  // value will hold the same info as below but obviously with
  // the new trade info.

  baseConvertRequest: '10',
  minAmountConvertQuote: '446878.20758208',
  expectedConvertQuote: '449123.82671566',
  liquidityProviderFee: '0.030000000000000000',
  tradeExpires: 1612189240,
  routePathTokenMap: [
      chainId: 1,
      contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
      symbol: 'WETH',
      decimals: 18,
      name: 'Wrapped Ether',
      chainId: 1,
      contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
      symbol: '1INCH',
      decimals: 18,
      name: '1INCH Token',
  routeText: 'WETH > 1INCH',
  routePath: [
  hasEnoughAllowance: true,
  toToken: {
    chainId: 1,
    contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
    symbol: '1INCH',
    decimals: 18,
    name: '1INCH Token',
  fromToken: {
    chainId: 1,
    contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
    symbol: 'WETH',
    decimals: 18,
    name: 'Wrapped Ether',
  fromBalance: {
    hasEnough: false,
    balance: '0.008474677789598637',
  transaction: {
    to: '0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D',
    from: '0xB1E6079212888f0bE0cf55874B2EB9d7a5e02cD9',
    value: '0x8ac7230489e80000',
  allTriedRoutesQuotes: [
      expectedConvertQuote: '449123.82671566',
      routePathArrayTokenMap: [
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
          symbol: 'WETH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: 'Wrapped Ether',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
          symbol: '1INCH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: '1INCH Token',
      routeText: 'WETH > 1INCH',
      routePathArray: [
      expectedConvertQuote: '446400.4834047',
      routePathArrayTokenMap: [
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
          symbol: 'WETH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: 'Wrapped Ether',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'USDC',
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          symbol: '1INCH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: '1INCH Token',
      routeText: 'WETH > USDC > USDT > 1INCH',
      routePathArray: [
      expectedConvertQuote: '0.00167195',
      routePathArrayTokenMap: [
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
          symbol: 'WETH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: 'Wrapped Ether',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'USDT',
          name: 'Tether USD',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
          symbol: '1INCH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: '1INCH Token',
      routeText: 'WETH > USDT > 1INCH',
      routePathArray: [
      expectedConvertQuote: '0.00167195',
      routePathArrayTokenMap: [
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
          symbol: 'WETH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: 'Wrapped Ether',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xc00e94Cb662C3520282E6f5717214004A7f26888',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'COMP',
          name: 'Compound',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'USDT',
          name: 'Tether USD',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
          symbol: '1INCH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: '1INCH Token',
      routeText: 'WETH > COMP > USDT > 1INCH',
      routePathArray: [
      expectedConvertQuote: '0.00167195',
      routePathArrayTokenMap: [
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
          symbol: 'WETH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: 'Wrapped Ether',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'DAI',
          name: 'Dai Stablecoin',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'USDT',
          name: 'Tether USD',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
          symbol: '1INCH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: '1INCH Token',
      routeText: 'WETH > DAI > USDT > 1INCH',
      routePathArray: [
      expectedConvertQuote: '0.00167195',
      routePathArrayTokenMap: [
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
          symbol: 'WETH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: 'Wrapped Ether',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'DAI',
          name: 'Dai Stablecoin',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'USDT',
          name: 'Tether USD',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
          symbol: '1INCH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: '1INCH Token',
      routeText: 'WETH > DAI > USDT > 1INCH',
      routePathArray: [
      expectedConvertQuote: '0.00167195',
      routePathArrayTokenMap: [
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
          symbol: 'WETH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: 'Wrapped Ether',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xc00e94Cb662C3520282E6f5717214004A7f26888',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'COMP',
          name: 'Compound',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'USDT',
          name: 'Tether USD',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
          symbol: '1INCH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: '1INCH Token',
      routeText: 'WETH > COMP > USDT > 1INCH',
      routePathArray: [
      expectedConvertQuote: '0.00167195',
      routePathArrayTokenMap: [
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
          symbol: 'WETH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: 'Wrapped Ether',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'USDC',
          name: 'USD Coin',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',
          decimals: 18,
          symbol: 'USDT',
          name: 'Tether USD',
          chainId: 1,
          contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
          symbol: '1INCH',
          decimals: 18,
          name: '1INCH Token',
      routeText: 'WETH > USDC > USDT > 1INCH',
      routePathArray: [

// once done with trade aka they have sent it and you don't need it anymore call


import { SushiswapPair, WETH, ChainId, TradeContext } from 'simple-sushiswap-sdk';

const sushiswapPair = new SushiswapPair({
  // the contract address of the token you want to convert FROM
  fromTokenContractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
  // use the WETH import from the lib, bare in mind you should use the
  // network which yours on, so if your on rinkeby you should use
  toTokenContractAddress: WETH.MAINNET().contractAddress,
  // the ethereum address of the user using this part of the dApp
  ethereumAddress: '0xB1E6079212888f0bE0cf55874B2EB9d7a5e02cD9',
  // you can pass in the provider url as well if you want
  // providerUrl: YOUR_PROVIDER_URL,
  chainId: ChainId.MAINNET,

// now to create the factory you just do
const sushiswapPairFactory = await sushiswapPair.createFactory();

// the amount is the proper entered amount
// so if they enter 10 pass in 10
// it will work it all out for you
const trade = await'10');

// subscribe to quote changes
trade.quoteChanged$.subscribe((value: TradeContext) => {
  // value will hold the same info as below but obviously with
  // the new trade info.

  baseConvertRequest: '10',
  minAmountConvertQuote: '0.00022040807282109',
  expectedConvertQuote: '0.00022151807282109',
  liquidityProviderFee: '0.03000000',
  tradeExpires: 1612189240,
  routePathTokenMap: [
      chainId: 1,
      contractAddress: '0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302',
      symbol: '1INCH',
      decimals: 18,
      name: '1INCH Token',
      chainId: 1,
      contractAddress: '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F',
      decimals: 18,
      symbol: 'DAI',
      name: 'Dai Stablecoin',
      chainId: 1,
      contractAddress: '0xc00e94Cb662C3520282E6f5717214004A7f26888',
      decimals: 18,
      symbol: 'COMP',
      name: 'Compound',
      chainId: 1,
      contractAddress: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
      symbol: 'WETH',
      decimals: 18,
      name: 'Wrapped Ether',
  routeText: '1INCH > DAI > COMP > WETH',
  routePath: [