Simple Task manager using Redis
Simple Task Manager
This is a sample project. To get started:
$ npm i simple-task-manager
- Task
- Scheduler
- Manager
- Worker
How to handle multiple workers for a single queue in distributed machines/processes? Claim a task
We schedule a task to run. Execute task, increase run count when done.
[ ] A task can be scheduled to be run immediately
ttl === 0
[ ] A task can be scheduled to be run at a later date
ttl > 0
[ ] A task can be run once
maxRuns === 0
[ ] A task can be run multiple times
- [ ]
maxRuns > 0
- [ ]
[ ] After an error a task can be retried if:
- [ ] We have not gone over our tries
maxTries < errorCount
- [ ] We have not gone over our tries
[ ] A task can be assigned a timeout period to run
[ ] A task should have a timeout for execution time
[ ] If we start queue and worker exits the task will not be picked up by worker. We need to be able to pick up timedout tasks and requeue them, using scheduler.
- [ ] Merge with simple-session-manager as it has many of the same components.
® License MIT by goliatone