routing framework
#Simple-Syrvup Documentation
This small framework allows for server creation with easier settings for GET and POST endpoints.
To install this package:
npm init
npm install simple-syrvup
##To Test
From: ./node-modules/simple-syrvup
npm install
npm test
##To use Simple-Syrvup:
var syrvup = require('simple-syrvup');
##Starting Server
To start the server, first set the port:
syrvup.port = <enter port value>
syrvup.server.listen(syrvup.port, () => {
process.stdout.write('Server is running at localhost:' + syrvup.port + '\n');
##Setting Up Routes
Simple-Syrvup allows the creation of multiple requests to endpoints through the creation of arrays.
###GET Routes
Simple-Syrvup allows the user to set an array of objects to set the GET endpoints. The GET endpoints allow server to return text, an HTML file, or a callback function.
To set GET endpoints, in your server.js file, the command is:
The array of objects are in the form:
var getArray =
{ url: '/', content: <sample text> },
{ url: '/test', content: <path to HTML file> },
{ url: '/another', content: <Callback function> }
Example of text:
'this is sample text'
Example of path to HTML (this file is your creation)
__dirname + '/index.html'
Example of a callback function:
function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
###POST Routes
Simple-Syrvup also allows the user to set an array of objects for their POST endpoints. The POST endpoints allow the user to save the POST in JSON format at a specified location.
If no file exists at the saveLocation, a file titled "postData.json" will be created. The directory must be already created by the user.
To set POST endpoints, the command is:
The endpoint object is in the following format:
var postArray =
{ url: '/', saveLocation: <directory> },
{ url: '/another-location', saveLocation: </../data/> }
Example format for POST request:
'{"key": "data"}'
The sample JSON file would contain this to begin:
###PUT Routes
Simple-Syrvup allows PUT requests to be made to change your data made by POST requests. The PUT method data must be sent in JSON format.
var putArray =
{ url: '/', saveLocation: <directory> },
{ url: '/another-location', saveLocation: </../data/> }
Example format for PUT request:
'{"#" : {"key": "data"}}'
###DELETE Routes
Simple-Syrvup allows DELETE requests to be made to delete your data made by the POST requests.
var deleteArray =
{ url: '/', saveLocation: <directory> },
{ url: '/another-location', saveLocation: </../data/> }
Example format for DELETE request:
'{"#" : "delete"}'
###PATCH Routes
Simple-Syrvup also supports array formats for PATCH requests; however, custom callbacks must be provided by users.
syrvup.patch(path, callback)
var patchArray =
{ url: '/another', content: <Callback function> }
Example of a PATCH callback function:
(req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'json/application' });
res.write('patch made');