A simple Stripe interface module, providing basic charging functionality and customer management
Simple-Stripe wrapper module
The Simple-Stripe module is made with simplicity in mind, in order to provide basic Stripe Payments functionalities in the most readable API possible.
Node 14 or higher.
Install the package with:
npm install simple-stripe --save
# or
yarn add simple-stripe
The package needs to be configured with your account's secret key, which is available in the Stripe Dashboard. Import it and create an instance like this :
import SimpleStripe, { StripeError } from "simple-stripe"
const simpleStripe = new SimpleStripe('sk_test_...')
Usage with TypeScript
Simple-Stripe provides its own type declarations
it also exposes StripeError
as an export to ease Error handling
import SimpleStripe, { StripeError } from "simple-stripe"
Initialize with config object
The package can be initialized with the usual StripeConfig
const simpleStripe = new SimpleStripe('sk_test_...', {
apiVersion: '2019-08-08',
maxNetworkRetries: 1,
timeout: 1000,
host: '',
port: 123,
telemetry: true,
More Information
Exposes several methods used to handle paymentIntents
generate: async (amount: number, customer?: string, setupOffSession = false, currency = 'eur'): Promise<SimplePaymentIntent>
// creates a new paymentIntent on your Stripe Dashboard and returns it as a `SimplePaymentIntent` object
getClientSecret: async (id: paymentintent_id): Promise<string | null>
// Retreives the client secret of a payment intent
getStatus: async (id: paymentintent_id): Promise<PaymentIntentStatus>
// Retreives the status of the paymentIntent and wraps it in an enum
getDetails: async (id: paymentintent_id): Promise<PaymentIntentDetails>
// Retreives the details of a paymentIntent and provides the most interesting properties in a PaymentIntentDetails
// WIP
payOffSession: async (payment_intent: paymentintent_id, payment_method: paymentmethod_id ): Promise<SimplePaymentIntent>
// WIP
// Complete a payment of an existing paymentIntent server-side. Does not handle errors very well for now
Exposes several methods used to handle customers
create: async (infos?: Stripe.CustomerCreateParams): Promise<SimpleCustomer>
// Creates a customer on your Stripe Dashboard and returns its id
// optional param "infos" are a Stripe.CustomerCreateParams object
findByEmail: async (infos?: Stripe.CustomerCreateParams): Promise<SimpleCustomer>
// Finds a list of customers based on email
getDetails: async (id: customer_id): Promise<CustomerDetails>
// Get a customer's details and wraps them inside a CustomerDetails object
getPaymentMethods: async (id: customer_id): Promise<PaymentMethod[]>
// Returns the details of a customer's PaymentMethod[]
// This could be useful to send a list of saved card to a front-end
flushDuplicatePaymentMethods: async (id: customer_id): Promise<number>
// Go through a customer's payment cards, find duplicates and detach the older ones
// This is good to call before sending payment methods infos to a front-end to prevent duplicates
charge: async (
customer: customer_id,
payment_method: paymentmethod_id,
amount: number,
currency = 'eur',): Promise<SimplePaymentIntent | void>
// This method can charge an off_session saved payment id, and returns the result in form of a SimplePaymentIntent object
This module is written 100% in TypeScript, you can find the types in the src folder on the GitHub repository
This module is a work in progress.
First major milestome will be to wrap everything in structured classes, e.g :
class Customer{
public id: string
public name: string
public created: Date
public ...
public paymentCards: PaymentCard[] // inherits from PaymentMethod etc..
public paymentIntents: PaymentIntent[]
constructor(id: string, options: tbd){
// fetch the customer, its payment methods and intents etc...
// Static methods to create or retreive a Customer?
// methods to charge the customer, retreive information ...
Following work will focus on supporting more scenarios :
- Subscriptions
- Card holds and captures
- Support for SEPA transferts
- Support for Apple Pay transactions (nothing much to do backend)
Let's keep it simple though, I don't plan on supporting everything Stripe does
If you want to collaborate to the project, you can fork it, create a wip/nameofyourfeature branch and pull request on the develop branch