Gère la communication rabbit mq.
Messager (simple-rbmq)
Messager or simple-rbmq is a JS lib that allow communication via amqp (rabbitMq) using BSON serialization.
Like that you can send BSON conserving its dataypes (ObjectId, Date, etc.) BSON De/serialization is done internally (with bson 1.1.0 and bson 4 soon), users can directly send and receive their BSON/JSON messages.
Note it's an impacting choice: messages are binary, you can only see them with a BSON deserialization (provided by this lib). For example sending a message with Rabbit console will throw an invalid BSOB error.
BSON types:
Example: creates a sender and a receiver, and send ping messages to itself.
#!/usr/bin/env node
var messager = require("../src/index")
var BSON = require("bson")
//routing config
var rabbit = {url: "amqp://localhost"}
var exchange = {"key": "pingpong-exchange", "type": "direct", "options": {"durable": false}}
var routingKey = "routingKey"
var queue = {"name": "ping-pong-queue", "options": {"exclusive": false, "durable": false, "autoDelete": false}}
//initRabbit: connection + channel
//createSender: assert exchange + create send function
.then(function () {
return messager.createSender(exchange, routingKey)
//createReceiver: assert exchange + assert queue + bind queue + handle received messages
.then(function (send) {
return messager.createReceiver(exchange, routingKey, queue, createResponder(send))
.then(function () { return send })
//first send to initiate "ping pong"
.then(function (send) {
send({objectId: BSON.ObjectID(), string: "Ping!", date: new Date()})
//createReceiver will take function(msg) returned here as message handler
var createResponder = function (send) {
return function (msg) {
console.log("Received:", msg)
send({objectId: BSON.ObjectID(), string: "Pong!", respondTo: msg})