Simple Music JS Created for Discord Bots
A simple Music JS for Discord Music Bots
Simple, no need to be complicated.
How to use? Simple!
Install using NPM Package
npm install simple-musicbot.djs
Start operating your bot by Login in to Discord
const simple-music-bot = require('simple-musicbot.djs')
const bot = new simple-music-bot.Bot({token: "TOKEN", prefix: "!", RespondBot: false}) // RespondBot is to decide if the bot will respond to Bots or no
Availabe Functions
- play(song name, download rate, cookie) Cookie Needed, Your bot could get status Code 429 Error.
- skip() Skip the current to play the next song
- queue() Shows a list of songs in line
- nowplaying() Shows the current Playing Song
- remove(number) Removes a song from the queue
- join() Order the bot to join the Voice Channel
- leave() Order the bot to leave the Voice Channel
- volume(number) Change the current volume of song
- loop() Repeats the current Song to play again after it ends
- stop() Pause the current song from playing
- resume() Resume the current paused song
How to use the Functions? Simple!
// The code before
bot.command({name:"play", aliases:["play"], code: (client, message, args) => { // We provided client, message, args to use for creating your awesome command"Tokyovania", 200) // You can add cookie if you don't want to get status Code 429, if that happens you need to wait 3-5 days for it to be able to use again.
How to get Youtube Cookie
- Navigate to YouTube in a web browser
- Open up dev tools (opt+cmd+j on mac)
- Go to the network tab
- Click on a request on the left
- Scroll down to "Request Headers"
- Find the "cookie" header and copy its entire contents
- Source how to get cookie was from here