Simple Grunt starter for your projects that watches, compiles and minifies Javascript and SCSS with (optional) Bulma
Welcome to simple grunt starter.
This is a Grunt starter kit / boilerplate with ~~Bootstrap~~ Bulma that I use for my own projects. If you have any requests or remarks please let me know 🙂
- Compiles SCSS / SASS to one style.css file.
- Also minifies that style.css to style.min.css. For use on your live websites.
- Automatically includes Bulma's initial variables sass that you can overwrite with your own variables.
- Add any SCSS file and it gets included automatically.
- Checks your JS files for errors.
- Combines JS files to one custom.js file.
- Minifies that Javascript file to a custom.min.js for your live websites.
- Add any Javascript file and it gets included automatically.
- Supports LiveReload.
- Minifies your html automatically.
Getting Started
For more information on Grunt, see the Getting Started guide.
If Node.js and Grunt are installed navigate to the destination folder using the Node.js command prompt.
For example:
cd C:\Development\GIT\simple-grunt-starter
Watching for file changes
To get started we will need to install the required packages specified in package.json. This is done by entering the following command in your Node.js command prompt:
or ( if you don't have Yarn )
npm install
Now that the required packages are installed run the following command to create the folders and copy the required fonts to the dist folder:
grunt init
Now to start making your changes run:
Every time you change a file the watch task will trigger and compile everything in the dist folder!
Building for production
Ready to go live? Run the following command to minify your files:
grunt build
Don't forget to change the paths in your html to the .min version or use index.min.html!
Release notes
Version 1.8.0, 1.9.0
- Security / package.json dependency update
Version 1.7.0
- Update to Grunt 1.2.0
- Update to Bulma 0.9.0
- Security / package.json dependency update
Version 1.6.0
- Security / package.json dependency update
- Minor text fixes
Version 1.5.0
- Replaced Bootstrap with Bulma
- Package.json dependencies update
- Minor text fixes