A multi-purpose NPM package with a lot of features
A multi-purpose NPM package with a lot of features
npm install simple-functions
To use database:
npm i better-sqlite3 (OR) promise-mysql
Depending on which you plan to use.
To Use Calculator Functions:
import Simple from 'simple-functions'
const SimpleCalc = new Simple.SimpleCalc();
// Adds the numbers provided
SimpleCalc.addNums([1,2,4,3]) // -> 13
// Subtracts the 2 numbers (num1 - num2)
SimpleCalc.subNums(5,2) // -> 3
// Multiplies the numbers provided
SimpleCalc.multiNums([5,3,4,2]) // -> 120
// Divides the 2 numbers (num1 / num2)
SimpleCalc.divideNums(6,2) // -> 3
// Divides the 2 numbers and returns the remainder (num1 / num2)
SimpleCalc.remainder(10,5) // -> 0
// Generates a random number between min and max
SimpleCalc.randomNumber(10,100) // -> any number between 10 and 100
// The addNums and multiNums can
// both be used with an array of numbers.
To Use Array Functions:
import Simple from 'simple-functions'
const SimpleArray = new Simple.SimpleArray([1,2,3,"String4","String3"])
// Returns the array passed in the constructor
SimpleArray.getArray() // -> [1,2,3,"String4","String3"]
// Returns a boolean based on if the specified filter exists within the array
SimpleArray.isInArray(3) // -> true
// Returns the index of where the filter is in the array
SimpleArray.whereInArray(2) // -> 1
// Filters your array and returns a new one with values that fit inside of the filter provided
SimpleArray.filterArray('String') // -> ["String4", "String3"]
To Use Database Functions (w/ sqlite):
import Simple from 'simple-functions'
const SimpleDB = new Simple.SimpleDB();
// To specify path: const SimpleDB = new Simple.SimpleDB({ filePath: "source/to/path/test.sqlite" })
// Anonymous Async function so we can use 'await'
(async () => {
// Setting an object in the database:
await SimpleDB.set("userInfo", { difficulty: "Easy" });
// -> { difficulty: 'Easy' }
// Getting an object from the database:
await SimpleDB.get("userInfo");
// -> { difficulty: 'Easy' }
// Getting an object property from the database:
await SimpleDB.set("userInfo.difficulty");
// -> 'Easy'
// Setting an object in the database:
await SimpleDB.set("userInfo", { difficulty: "Easy" });
// -> { difficulty: 'Easy' }
// Pushing an element to an array (that doesn't exist yet) in an object:
await SimpleDB.push("userInfo.items", "Sword");
// -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword'] }
// Adding to a number (that doesn't exist yet) in an object:
await SimpleDB.add("userInfo.balance", 500);
// -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword'], balance: 500 }
// Repeating previous examples:
await SimpleDB.push("userInfo.items", "Watch");
// -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword', 'Watch'], balance: 500 }
await SimpleDB.add("userInfo.balance", 500);
// -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword', 'Watch'], balance: 1000 }
// Fetching individual properties
await SimpleDB.get("userInfo.balance"); // -> 1000
await SimpleDB.get("userInfo.items"); // ['Sword', 'Watch']
To Use Database Functions (w/ MySQL)
import { SimpleDB, MySQLDriver } from 'simple-functions'
(async () => {
const mysqlDriver = new MySQLDriver({
host: "localhost",
user: "me",
password: "secret",
database: "my_db",
await mysqlDriver.connect(); // Connect to the database **THIS IS REQUIRED**
const db = new SimpleDB({ driver: mysqlDriver });
// Now you can do everything that was in the other part
await db.set("userInfo", { difficulty: "Easy" });
// -> { difficulty: 'Easy' }