A node.js implementation of the simple-stream and continuable based fs interface for js-git.
A node.js implementation of the simple-stream and continuable based fs interface for js-git.
File System Interface
This module implements the following functions from the fs interface which is described in detail at
- stat(path) -> continuable
- read(path, [encoding]) -> continuable
- write(path, value, [encoding]) -> continuable
- readStream(path, [options]) -> stream
- writeStream(path, [options]) -> sink
- unlink(path) -> continuable
- readlink(path) -> continuable
- symlink(path, target) -> continuable
- readdir(path) -> stream
- rmdir(path) -> continuable
- mkdir(path) -> continuable
- rename(path, target) -> continuable
var fs = require('simple-fs');
// Streaming copy a file
// Set up a source, the file isn't actually opened till the stream is read from.
var source = fs.readStream("input.txt");
// Set up a sink. The file isn't actually opened yet.
var sink = fs.writeStream("copy.txt");
// Hook the source to the sink, but still don't create either file or start moving yet.
var continuable = sink(source);
// Now, create both files and stream the contents. If there is a problem it will be reported here.
// Otherwise the continuable will resolve with no error when done streaming.
continuable(function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Done Streaming");
You don't have to store all the steps into variables, so you can simply chain the calls.
Also if you're in an ES6 generator using gen-run, then consuming the continuable is even easier.
var run = require('gen-run');
var fs = require('simple-fs');
function* copy(source, dest) {
yield fs.writeStream(dest)(fs.readStream(source));
run(function* () {
yield* copy("input.txt", "copy.txt");
chroot(root) -> fs
In addition to the exports object implementing the fs interface with respect to the filesystem root, you can also create a fs instance that is chrooted to some directory.
var fs = require('simple-fs')("/home/tim/Code/js-git/.git");
// read the first chunk in the staging area's index.
fs.readStream("/index")(null, console.log);