a small package to switch between different color formats
Simple-color format changer
This is a simple package that lets you to change the color format from one format to another.
Possible color changes
Hex to HSL hexToHsl(hexvalue)
This function converts colors in Hexadecimal format to Hue Saturation and Light format.
Example - .hexToHsl("#AB3456")
Hex to RGB hexToRgb(hexvalue)
This function converts colors in Hexadecimal format to Red Green and Blue format.
Example - .hexToRgb("#ABCDEF")
HSL to Hex hslToHex(hue, sat, light)
This function converts colors in Hue Saturation and Light format to Hexadecimal format.
Example - .hslToHex("274","100","50")
HSL to RGB hexToRgb(hue, sat, light)
This function converts colors in Hue Saturation and Light format to Red Green and Blue format.
Example - .hslToRgb("123","45","67")
HSLA to RGBA hexToRgb(hue, sat, light, alpha)
This function converts colors in Hue Saturation Light and Alpha format to Red Green Blue and Alpha format.
Example - .hslaToRgba("123","54","43","0.5")
RGB to Hex rgbToHex(red, green, blue)
This function converts colors in Red Green and Blue format to Hexadecimal format.
Example - .rgbToHex("45","45","56")
RGB to HSL hexToRgb(red, green, blue)
This function converts colors in Red Green and Blue format to Hue Saturation and Light format.
Example - .rgbToHsl("34","98","76")
RGBA to HSLA hexToRgb(red, green, blue, alpha)
This function converts colors in Red green Blue and Alpha format to Hue Saturation Light and Alpha format.
Example - .rgbaToHsla("#ABCDEF")
Output format
The output of the all the above functions are in the following format :
... // individual componet values
"combined" : // combined unformated value
"formatted" : //combined formated value
For example, for the Hexadecimal #123456
to RGB function the output will be:
"red" : "18" // value of Red
"green" : "52" // value of Green
"blue" : "86" // value of Blue
"combined" : "18,52,86" // combined unformated value
"formatted" : "rgb(18,52,86)" // combined formated value