A simple js plugin to define conditionally check defined breakpoints
Simple Breakpoints
A simple breakpoints plugin based off of four simple breakpoint sizes ('mobile', 'tablet', 'small_desktop', 'large_desktop'
) with support to listen for breakpoint change events
Installation and usage
$ npm install simple-breakpoints --save
import SimpleBreakpoints from 'simple-breakpoints'
// default breakpoint sizes: { mobile: 480, tablet: 640, small_desktop: 1024, large_desktop: 1180 }
var breakpoints = new SimpleBreakpoints();
if(breakpoints.isMobile()) {
// do something for mobile
if(breakpoints.isSmallDesktop()) {
// do something for small desktop
if(breakpoints.isBetween('small_desktop', 'large_desktop')) {
// do something between small and large desktop
Listening to events
// on all breakpoint changes
breakpoints.on('breakpointChange', (from, to) => {
console.log(`change from ${from} to ${to}`);
// change from small_desktop to large_desktop
// change from tablet to mobile
// on breakpoint changes from small to large
breakpoints.on('breakpointChangeUp', (from, to) => {
console.log(`change Up from ${from} to ${to}`);
// change from small_desktop to large_desktop
// on breakpoint changes from large to small
breakpoints.on('breakpointChangeDown', (from, to) => {
console.log(`change Down from ${from} to ${to}`);
// change from large_desktop to small_desktop
// remove all events from `breakpointChangeDown`'breakpointChangeDown');
// fire an event only once
breakpoints.once('breakpointChange', (from, to) => {
console.log(`firing an event ${from} to ${to} only once`);
// change from large_desktop to small_desktop
Defining your own breakpoints
import SimpleBreakpoints from 'simple-breakpoints'
var breakpoints = new SimpleBreakpoints({
mobile : 320,
tablet : 640,
small_desktop : 900,
large_desktop : 1200
Function | Params | Description
------ | -------- | -----------
getViewportSize | | returns the viewport size as object { width: 1024, height: 768 }
this is fired on window.resize
and is stored in breakpoints.viewport
currentBreakpoint | | returns current breakpoint size ('mobile', 'tablet', 'small_desktop', 'large_desktop'
isBetween | smallBreakpoint, largeBreakpoint ('mobile', 'tablet', 'small_desktop', 'large_desktop'
) | Check if viewport is between two breakpoints
isLessThan | breakpoint ('mobile', 'tablet', 'small_desktop', 'large_desktop'
) | Check if viewport is less than the width of the breakpoint
isGreaterThan | breakpoint ('mobile', 'tablet', 'small_desktop', 'large_desktop'
) | Check if viewport is greater than the width of the breakpoint
isLessThanEqualTo | breakpoint ('mobile', 'tablet', 'small_desktop', 'large_desktop'
) | Check if viewport is less than or equal the width of the breakpoint
isGreaterThanEqualTo | breakpoint ('mobile', 'tablet', 'small_desktop', 'large_desktop'
) | Check if viewport is greater than or equal the width of the breakpoint
isMobile | | Check if the viewport is within the mobile
isTablet | | Check if the viewport is within the tablet
isSmallDesktop | | Check if the viewport is within the small_desktop
isLargeDesktop | | Check if the viewport is within the large_desktop
on (event, callback) | ('breakpointChange' | 'breakpointChangeUp' | 'breakpointChangeDown'
, callback(from, to)
) | watch for changes on breakpoints with and fire a callback
once (event, callback) | ('breakpointChange' | 'breakpointChangeUp' | 'breakpointChangeDown'
, callback(from, to)
) | watch for changes on breakpoints with and fire a callback only once
off (event) | ('breakpointChange' | 'breakpointChangeUp' | 'breakpointChangeDown'
)| Remove event listener for breakpoint change