simpl schema to graphql schema converter
Simpl To GraphQL Schema
This is new updated and improved fork of # Simple Schema - GraphQL Schema Bridge except it doesn't build your resolvers.
Change only your Meteor Simple Schema: GraphQL schema are updated automatically.
Define your Simple Schemas for your collection and let
do the tedious work of defining the schema's basic fields and resolvers, for you.
This tool works with Meteor Framework.
- Installation
npm install --save simpl-to-graphql-schema
- Your simple schema
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
// Define your collection
const Items = new Mongo.Collection('items');
//build your schema with SimpleSchema as usual
const Schemas = new SimpleSchema({
_id: {
type: String,
name: {
type: String,
label: "Item name",
ownerId: {
type: String,
label: "Owner identification",
createdAt: {
type: String,
label: "Item creation date",
updatedAt: {
type: String,
label: "Item last update",
export default Schemas;
- Your GraphQL schema
import SimpleToGraphql from 'simpl-to-graphql';
import Schemas from './items';
const schemaGql = SimpleToGraphql.schema({
// Your simple schema
schema: Schemas,
// your grapqhl schema name
name: 'Items',
// SimpleToGraphql options
options: {
// create schema only for those fields in an Array
fields: ['name', 'ownerId', 'createdAt'],
// insert scalars in an Array
scalar: ['Date'],
// create schema except for those fields in an Array
except: ['updatedAt'],
// change fields type
custom: {
createdAt: "Date",
updatedAt: "Date"
// add fields to your generated schema
additional: [
'checked: Boolean'
'usersList: [Users]'
// console.log() your generated schema
print: true, //default false
export default schemaGql;
- Your resolvers
//in case your want to use the built in Date scalar
import { DateScalar } from 'simpl-to-graphql';
// collections
import Items from '/imports/api/pages/pages'
export default {
Query: {
item: (root, args, { userId }) => Items.findOne({ ownerId: userId }),
items: (root, args, { userId }) => Items.find({ ownerId: userId }).fetch(),
// you can put it here or in your merge of resolvers with DateScalar
Date: DateScalar.Date