A tool for encryption *will be used in heed*
Install it from npm package manager using this command in cmd :
npm i simenc
It also contains typescript files. So if you want to use them install it locally use :
npm init
npm i --save simenc
Unique Features
Simple to use
Fast and user friendly
See examples to know why it is best ?
best for beginners
In Javascript
var sim = require("simenc")
var {encrypt,decrypt} = sim //write all things you need in {}
//by default encryption and decryption type is AES
var data = "it is data."
var key = "it is a key."
var encdata = encrypt(data,key)
console.log(encdata.toString()) //console encrypted data
console.log(decrypt(encdata,key)) //console decrypted data
In typescript :
import * as sim from "simenc";
var {encrypt,decrypt} = sim;
var data = "it is data."
var key = "it is a key."
var encdata = encrypt(data,key)
console.log(encdata.toString()) //console encrypted data
console.log(decrypt(encdata,key)) //console decrypted
It does not allow you to Utf8 to Utf16 or anything else.The default encoding for data is Utf8. You can't set iv,padding or anything else while encrypting.But whatever, These things does not matter so much ans also they will resolved in future.These are not added because i want beginners to use this and most of the beginners don't know about padding or iv. Also, it is not only for beginners it is for everyone who want to secure their data.
In the future most of other features will be added like : diffie hellman, changing encoding type, using iv and other properties of encryption.In the future i will launch a version of it for python and java.So,keep awaited because we make cryptography easy.
It is built using module Crypto-js but it is more simplified than it.
Encryption type : AES
Decryption type : AES
Hash type : SHA256
encoding : Utf8
importing and using
to see its installation click here! you can import it like that :
var sim = require("simenc");
console.log(sim.SHA256("this is a text"));
but then it will take more time to write code as you hove to use sim. before everything you need. So more nice way to do this is to firstly import everything that you need and then use it. For ex :
var sim = require(simenc);
var data = "this is a text";
var {encrypt,hash,SHA512,random,decrypt,MD5} = sim;
When you encrypt the data it outputs the encryted data in form of object. So, to see the data you have to parse it into string using .toString() . On the other hand when you have to decrypt the data you don't have to use the data pared into string, You must the the encrypted data you got as object.
It is used to get the random data which you can use to get salt or any other thing. Code :
var sim = require(simenc);
var data = "this is a text";
var {encrypt,hash,SHA512,random,decrypt,MD5} = sim;
It has 2 parameters (length,type). Length can be anything but type takes only 3 values string,number,hashed. String : It generates a random string of characters. Number : It generates a random number. Hashed : It generates a hashed value of random characters.
I recommend to generate firstly generate a string of random characters and then hash it.
Encryption & Decryption
When you encrypt the data it outputs the encryted data in form of object. So, to see the data you have to parse it into string using .toString() . On the other hand when you have to decrypt the data you don't have to use the data pared into string, You must use the encrypted data you got as object while decrypting.
AES || DES || TripleDES || RC4 || RC4Drop || Rabbit || RabbitLegacy
Decryption type are also same but you have to add dec before writing type.
You can use crypto-js directly from this module. Using
var sim = require("simenc");
var CryptoJS = sim.crypto;
//you can use Cryptojs module now
See their documentation also.
Browser Support
It gives support to browser also. to access it do the following steps:
npm init
npm i simenc
You will see a folder created inside node_modules/simenc named as dist.It contains all files for browser support.
<script src="./node_modules/simenc/dist/simenc_browser.js"></script>
var sim = require("simenc");
var {hash,encrypt,decrypt} = sim;
console.log(hash("it is a data"));
About Us
Mridul Thakur