Lightweight state management library based on Redux design thinking
The current structure of the application in our system is not very clear, there are redux + saga and hook api for state management.
At present, we have determined the layered design of the whole application, mainly including store, pages, components, etc. In the future, we will put the data and business logic in the store, and the view will only be responsible for rendering from data to UI, and the event trigger will call the api of the store layer, so that the code of the components is less and the logic in the store can be better shared. This way, the components have less code and the logic in the store can be better shared.
- Improve development efficiency
- Improve maintainability
- Preserve the Time Travel capability
- The ability to take advantage of TS type constraints
Store Definition
- defined in the store directory, the default defineStore name parameter is the same as the filename
- remember to add TS type definition to the state
- setState parameter can be either an object or a function, use immer library to update
import { IState, ITodoState } from ". /types";
import { defineStore, useSelector } from "silver-store";
const namespace = "todos";
const { getState, setState, store } = defineStore<ITodoState>(namespace, {
current: 0,
list: [],
export const addTask = (id, name) => {
let list = getState().list;
// Combine with immer to do state updates
setState((state) => {
state.list = list.concat({ id, name });
export const setCurrent = (current) => {
// Use useSelector hook to subscribe store
export const userList = () => {
return useSelector<IState>((state) => {
return state.todos;
export const userList2 = () => {
return useSelector<IState>((state) => {
return getState().todos;
Use Store
import React, { useContext, useMemo } from "react";
import { addTask, setCurrent, useList } from ".. /.. /store/todos";
import { useSelector } from "silver-store";
export default function Todos() {
const { list, current } = useList();
function add() {
addTask(Math.random(), Math.random());
function setNow(i) {
return (
{{ id, name }, i) => {
return (
<div id={id} key={i} onClick={setNow.bind(null, i)}>
{name} {current === i ? "now" : ""}
<button onClick={add}>add</button>