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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A modulo in node to create the request to login




A Node package to signin and signup

The idea of this package is, start a web app with login easily, the files in the 'example' folder, will be coped to your root folder after the install of this package.

NOTE: The default engine template is .ejs to render the views of app/views


├── app(back-end)
│   ├── views
│   │   ├── partial
│   │   │   ├── email.ejs
│   │   │   ├── reset.ejs
│   │   │   ├── signin.ejs
│   │   │   ├── signup.ejs
│   │   ├── form.ejs
│   │   ├── index.ejs
│   │   ├── mail.html
├── config(db, strategies)
│   ├── express.js
├── public(front-end)
│   │   ├── css
│   │   │   ├── style.css
│   │   ├── images
│   │   │   ├── icon.png
├── server.js(boot)


  • signin.ejs: The view that render the interface to signin on application
  • signup.ejs: The view that render the interface to create account on application
  • email.ejs: The view that render the interface to sent the email with new password
  • reset.ejs: The view that render the interface to reset password with token save in post of the request forgot
  • form.ejs: The main view that render the partials(signin, signup,forgot and reset)
  • index.ejs: The main page of your app
  • express.js: The basic configuration of the server to work the session, authentication, post data and flash
  • server.js: The script that start the node server
  • style.css: The specific styles of the views

Start with example

Begin your application with this simple example

create manually or run npm init

$ echo "{}" >> package.json

install package

$ npm install signiuof

Change config/express.js

$ cat config/express.js | awk '{sub(/\.\/example\//, "./"); print $0}' | awk '{sub(/\.\.\/\.\.\/lib\/index/, "signiuof"); print $0}' >> config/express.js

run node server

$ node server


$ npm install signiuof

Require modules

let signiuof = require('signiuof');
// Required configurations configs used in the package
let iuof = signiuof.Iuof({
    secretAuthToken: "(required) The secret string for the token jwt",
    authToken: "The array[1,'hour'] with date for expires of the authToken",
    resetToken: "The array[1,'hour'] with date for expires of the resetToken",
    appName: "(default Default site) The name of the app",
    // required to enabled the sent of email in reset password
    serviceMail: "(Required)the service to send email(e.g: Gmail)",
    loginMail: "(Required)your login of the service of email",
    passMail: "(Required)your password of the service of email",
    // the template of view send mail
    view: "(default mail) The name of the view template to send email",
    rPath: "(default app/views) The base path when your view template is, the root is your own application",
    ext: "(default html) The extension of the view template",
    // the routes of this package
    signin: '(default /signin) The request used in the signin',
    signup: '(default /signup) The request used in the signup',
    signout: '(default /signout) The request used in the signout',
    forgot: '(default /forgot) The request used in the forgot',
    reset: '(default /reset/:token) The request used in the reset',
    passwdChange: '(default /changePassword) The request used in the changePassword',

available methods


The method that implement the list of request to signin in your application

  • app: The instance of the 'express' package, to register the required request of this package

This method register the requests below to enabled in your app, the interfaces and request to create a simple auth:

  • signin: The requests, GET to render view signin and POST submit for the authentication
  • signup: The requests, GET to render view singup and POST submit for create a account
  • forgot: The requests, GET to render view email and POST submit for update token to recovery password and sent in email
  • reset: The requests, GET to render view reset and POST submit for update your password and authenticate
  • passwdChange: The POST request to change your password, when authenticated


let express = require('express')
let app = express();
// star the default routes


Start the connection with the mongodb and load the models of your app(the user is loaded by default)

  • config: The Object with the configuration of the mongo connection
    • db: The path of the local db(e.g: mongodb://localhost/your-db-name)
    • options: set in the second argument of the 'mongoose.connect()'


iuof.connectMongo(require(PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG), function(db){
    // add the list of the models that you require
    return db;


The default middlewares use in the package and available for your application too

  • requireLogin(request,response, next): The middleware to validate of the user is logged
  • isVisitant(request,response, next): The middlware to validate of the user is not logged
  • requireResetToken(request,response, next): The middleware to validate of the token is valid
  • requireAuthToken(request,response, next): The middleware to load the user by token jwt, and validate the expires this token


app.route('/api/users').get(iuof.middlewares.requireLogin, user.list);


The helpers used in this package and available for your application

  • getErrorMessage(err,noTags, isString): Method to returns the error ocurred in the backend node server

    • err: (object|string) The error was ocurred
    • nobr: (bool default true) add br tag html in errors returned
    • isString: define the return of the errors a array or a string
  • sendMail(data, next, credentials): Method to send email with nodemailer

    • data: (object) Object with data to be sent
    • data.mail: (string) The email destiny
    • data.subject: (string) The subject of the email
    • data.content: (string) The body of the email
    • data.title: (string) The title of the email
    • data.annex: (object) The object with name and path of the annex file
    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail
    • credentials: Object the service of email
    • credentials.serviceMail: (string) The service of email(e.g: Gmail)
    • credentials.loginMail: (string) The login of your account
    • credentials.passMail: (string) The password of your account


// prepare erros
iuof.helpers.getErrorMessage({error: [{message: "something bad"}]});
// send mail
    mail: "destiny address",
    subject: "your subject",
    content: "your content",
    title: "your title",
    annex: {
        path: "/path/to/file",
        name: "the name of the file"
}, (err, info) => console.log(err, info), {
    serviceMail: "(Required)the service to send email(e.g: Gmail)",
    loginMail: "(Required)your login of the service of email",
    passMail: "(Required)your password of the service of email",

User(default model)

  • Fields:
    • name: The full name of the user
    • email: The email address of the user
    • username:(required) The username to auth in app
    • password:(required) The password the auth in app
    • status: (default true) The status of the user in app
    • image: The profile image of the user(is an Object when data of the image)
    • authToken: The token to authenticate in app by jwt(JSON WEB TOKEN)
    • authTokenExpires: The expires date of the authToken
    • resetToken: The token to reset the password
    • resetExpires: The expires date of the resetToken
    • created: (default date of the creating of this user

Custom methods

statics(used in the instance of the model User)


let User = require('mongoose').model('User');
// use arrow function
User.findByEmail('[email protected]', (err, user) => console.log(err, user));
  • findAndAuthenticate: Find a user by username and validate password in hash

    • credentials: (object) The list of the credentials to find
    • credentials.username: (string) The username to be found
    • credentials.password: (string) The passowrd to be found
    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail
  • findByEmail:

    • email: (string) The email of the user
    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail
  • findByAuthToken: Find a user by your token to auth in the app

    • token: (string) The token of the user
    • expires:(int, default false) the expires date, by default not validate
    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail
  • findByResetToken: Find a user by your reset token

    • token: (string) the token to be load the user
    • expires:(int) the expires date
    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail

methods(use in the object of the model)


let User = require('mongoose').model('User');
// use arrow function
User.findByEmail('[email protected]', (err, user) => {
    if(!err) throw err;
    user.authenticate('passwdtest', isMatch => console.log( isMatch ? 'valid': 'invalid'));
  • authenticate: Method to verify if the password is valid

    • password: (string) The password of the user
    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail
  • createApiToken: Create a new token in the foreign table(user_api) for authenticated user by jwt

    • params the data to be create a new api authentication
    • params.token the token to be save of the load user
    • [ + 3600000] the data of expiration for this token
    • the name of the origin to be create auth
    • params.platform the origin type to be create auth
    • [params.version=''] the origin version to be create auth
    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail
  • removeApiToken: Remove the token created in signin for authenticated user by jwt

    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail
  • updateResetToken: Update the reset password token and expires date of the load user

    • expires: (int, default 1 hour) The data of expiration for this token
    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail
  • updatePasswd: Update the Password of a load user

    • credentials: (object) The list of the credentials to find
    • credentials.password: (string) The password to be updated
    • credentials.confirmation: (string) The password confirmation
    • next: (function) The callback function called when success and fail
  • setFillables: Fill the fields of the model(availables name, email, username and status)

    • post: (object) The object with the post data to be updated
    • post.username: (string) The username to be update
    • post.status: (string) The status to be update
    • (string) The name to be update
    • (string) The email to be update