A Brainfuck-inspired programming language.
sign-lang (Language)
Written in JavaScript, sign-lang is a Brainfuck inspired programming language, designed to be another fancy way to say "Hello, world."
Table of Contents:
npm install sign-lang
Code Execution
With CLI
You can execute the source file using the CLI tool:
npx sign-lang <path/to/file.sign> [-i <input>]
Or, you can also use the JavaScript API:
import SignLang from "sign-lang";
const src = ">> [in]";
const input = "E";
const intepreter = new SignLang().setInput(input).intepret(src);
You can also log the value each time the intepreter output the value:
new SignLang({
onexecute(value) {
Language Concept
Inside of the sign-lang code, you will find lines of Instruction, which can be separated into two parts: the Instructor and the Expression. The intepreter will use Instruction Pointer to mark the line that will be processed. Once it's processed, the Expression will be parsed into a value first though Signs inside it. Then, the intepreter will check the Instructor to see what to do with the processed Expression value.
| an example of sign-lang code that prints numbers from 1 to 10
#str |
#end ----------
#str {str}-
>> {str}
v(str|end) --
> == ------
^(str!end) ----
| outputs "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
Language Syntax
Signs are the only way to define a value. When they are tailed (connected) to each other, a Sign Group is formed along with the Expression value being added by the sign's value.
There are four Signs available in sign-lang:
= 0.1_
= 0.5-
= 1=
= 25
>> ---. | 3.1 (1 + 1 + 1 + 0.1)
>> ===_ | 75.5 (25 + 25 + 25 + 0.5)
Sign Groups
Signs Groups are separated with a space (
). When there are more than one Sign Groups in an Expression, they will attack each other, subtracting the Expression value.
>> == ----- | 45 ((25 + 25) + (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1))
>> - - | 0 (1 - 1)
A pipe character (|
) is used as a Barrier. When an intepreter encounters it, it will immediately move to the next Instruction and ignore all types of Sign behind it.
>> =--|-- | 27 (25 + 1 + 1)
>> = --- | -- | 22 (25 - (1 + 1 + 1))
>> | | 0
sign-lang uses Greater Sign (>
) to output the value.
- If there's only one (
), it will convert the Expression value into as ASCII character before printing. - If there are two (
), it will simply print that value as a number.
> === --- | H
>> === --- | 72
Labels or Variables can be used to store an Expression value after finishing processing by using the tag (#
) followed by the label name.
NOTE: Labels can't contain spaces (
), as it will mix with a normal space that is used to separate Instructor and Expression.
#var === --- | var now contains 72
And if you want to call the Label, you can use braces ({
, }
) with the variable name inside. You can also mutate the Label value any time.
| .
| .
| .
>> {var} | 72
>> {var} -- | 70
#var {var}--- | var now contains 75 instead of 72
>> {var} | 75
Duplicator uses asterisk sign (*
) for a multiplication towards a Label. It will take the value of the Label name after it and multiply it with the Expression value.
#a =- | a is 26
*a ---- | (26 * 4)
>> {a} | prints 104
Jumps, similar to goto
statement in other languages, is used to move the Instruction Pointer by the Expression value from its current line:
will move the Instruction Pointer to the upper line.v
will move the Instruction Pointer to the under line.
DANGER: Be careful when using these; you may experience an infinite loop from them.
#a ==== ---
#n =--(----)--
> {a}
v --- | line 1 skipped (skip by 3 lines starting from this line)
> {n} | line 2 skipped
> {n}- | line 3 skipped
> {n} | Instruction Pointer will move to this line and execute it
| outputs "an"
Or, you can simply count the line up or down.
#a ==== ---
#n =--(----)--
> {a}
v --- | start counting
> {n} | count 1
> {n}- | count 2
> {n} | count 3 (Instruction Pointer will move to this line and execute it)
| outputs "an"
Conditional Jumps
When Jumps syntaxes are tailed by a parenthesis of two variables separated by |
or !
or (a!b)
), they will turn into a Conditional Jump:
- If variables are splitted with
, the jump will occur if those variables are equal to each other. - If variables are splitted with
, the jump will occur if those variables are not equal to each other.
#str |
#end ----------
#str {str}-
>> {str}
v(str|end) -- | will jump if 'str' is equal with 'end'
> == ------
^(str!end) ---- | will jump if 'str' is "not" equal with 'end'
| outputs "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
Reserved Variable
You can access to the input and other special variable provided by the language by writing their name with brackets ([
, ]
is used to access each character of the input by the call time. If the call time is out of input's length thenNUL
character will be printed.[nl]
is for new-line character (\n
is for space character (
| If input is "abc"
> [in]
> == ------
> [nl]
> [in]
> == ------
> [nl]
> [in]
> == ------
> [nl]
> [in]
| (prints ▼)
| a,
| b,
| c,
| ,