Sigilium is a library for defining complex dependency hierarchies through smart identifiers. It provides factory functions for creating extension points with different composition patterns.
Sigilium 🔮
Sigilium is a library for defining complex dependency hierarchies through smart identifiers. It provides factory functions for creating extension points with different composition patterns.
Purpose 🧠
When building modular systems, we often need ways to:
- Define clear extension points for functionality
- Support multiple implementations of the same interface
- Compose implementations through decoration and aggregation
- Maintain clean separation between components
Sigilium helps solve these problems by providing smart identifiers that know how to compose their implementations.
Usage 🪄
First, import the sigilium factory functions:
import sigilium from 'sigilium';
Basic Extension Points 📍
Create a basic extension point when you need a simple implementation:
const log = sigilium.sigil('log');
// Register an implementation
container.install(log.provider([], () => console.log));
Optional Extension Points 🔌
Create an optional extension point when you want at-most-one implementation:
const logger = sigilium.optional('logger');
// Will throw if multiple implementations try to register
container.install(logger.provider([], () => new StdoutLogger()));
Singleton Extension Points ☝️
Create a singleton extension point when you need exactly one implementation:
const database = sigilium.singleton('database');
// Will throw if multiple implementations try to register
container.install(database.provider([], () => new SQLDatabase()));
Composite Extension Points 🎭
Create a composite extension point when you need decoration or aggregation:
const search = sigilium.composite('search');
// Register multiple implementations
container.install(search.provider([], () =>
query => ['result1', 'result2']
// Decorate with logging
container.install(search.decorator([log.resolve], ([logger]) => (fn) =>
query => {
logger(`Searching for: ${query}`);
return fn(query);
// Aggregate results
container.install(search.aggregator([], () => (providers) =>
query => providers.flatMap(p => p()(query))
Contributing 🦄
We welcome contributions to the Sigilium project! If you have any ideas, bug reports, or pull requests, please feel free to submit them on the Sigilium GitHub repository.
License 🔒
Sigilium is licensed under the MIT License.