This module provides an abstraction layer for storing information on the client-side.
This module provides an abstraction layer for storing information on the client-side.
How to use:
const Storage = require("showcar-storage");
const localStore = new Storage("local");
const sessionStore = new Storage("session");
const cookieStore = new Storage("cookie");
Use the following api
someStore.set(key, value, [{ expires, path }]);
Sets the given value for the specified key in the respective store. The optional third parameter takes a map with any of the following options:
expires: <Date|UTCString|int>
Expiration date of the cookie as date-object, UTCString or positive integer in seconds from now. Defaults toFri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT
.path: <string>
Will be set as the cookie's path. Defaults to/
Returns the reference to the respective store, i.e. someStore
someStore.get(key[, default = null]);
Gets the value for the specified key from the respective store. If a second argument is given and a value for the specified key is not found in the respective store, the second argument is returned.
Returns the stored value or the value of default
Checks whether the respective store knows about the key and whether the value for this key is not null.
This method is synonymous to null !== someStore.get(key, null);
Returns boolean true
if the given key exists and is not null and not undefined, false
Deletes the key and the associated value from the respective store.
Returns the reference to the respective store, i.e. someStore
How to install:
To install showcar-storage within your project use bower.
bower install --save [email protected]:AutoScout24/showcar-storage.git
How to contribute:
Fork this repository and git clone
your fork. Then npm install
the required dependencies.
Note: If you do not have grunt
installed globally, use ./node_modules/.bin/grunt
Run the tests
Run grunt test
(or ./node_modules/.bin/grunt test
Build for dev
Run grunt build
(or ./node_modules/.bin/grunt build
). Find the generated files in ./dist/ next to it's sourcemap.
Build minified for distribution
Run grunt dist
(or ./node_modules/.bin/grunt dist
). Find the generated file ./dist/storage.min.js next to it's sourcemap.
Save your changes and run grunt dist
(or ./node_modules/.bin/grunt dist
Commit your code and the compiled libraries in ./dist. Then create a pull-request.
MIT License