Shoto Js is a library for node js created by Luis Angel Fernandez. This library is based on express, and its purpose is create API Rest quickly and easily. It's configuration is very simple, also generate routes foreach HTTP VERBS.
Shoto Js is a library for node js created by Luis Angel Fernandez. This library is based on express, and its purpose is create API Rest quickly and easily. It's configuration is very simple, also generate routes foreach HTTP VERBS.
If you want to implement databases, it is advisable to use an ORM as a prisma
Prisma documentation:
This is an example project Shoto-JS with prisma:
Execute this command in the console for install Shoto-JS
in a project already exist
npm i shoto-js
But if you need create a new project with Shoto-JS
, you can install the Shoto-CLI
with this command.
npm i -g cli-shoto
For call the CLI open a terminal and execute:
The CLI allow us:
- Create a new project
- Create the routers files
- Create the services files
Create a server
For create a new server with Shoto-JS you need import the Application module. Application receive 3 params when generate the new object in it's constructor. | Params| Type| Description| Default| | ------ | ------ |----- | ----- | |port| number | the port that use the server| required| |urlEncoded| boolean| active a middleware that only parses urlencoded bodie| false | |hostCore|string| host enabled for cors| all server |
import {Application } from 'shoto-js'
const app = new Application(3000); //All server
//Run server
For create routes you need import the MyRouter module and generate a new instance. This object use a pathName
propertie that is optional. When pathName
don't have a value, Shoto-js set it's value to /
for default.
Peoples rutes
import { MyRouter } from "shoto-js";
import { createPerson, deletePerson, getPeoples, getPerson, updatePerson } from "../services/personService.js";
const person = new MyRouter('/peoples')
person.GET('/', getPeoples)
person.GET('/:id', getPerson) //-> /:id is a param like express
person.POST('/', createPerson)
person.PUT('/:id', updatePerson)
person.DELETE('/:id', deletePerson)
export default person
Home routes
import { MyRouter } from "shoto-js";
import { deleteHome, getHome, postHome, putHome } from "../services/homeService.js";
const home = new MyRouter()
home.GET('/', getHome)
home.POST('/', postHome)
home.PUT('/', putHome)
home.DELETE('/', deleteHome)
export default home
Now for implement this routes:
import {Application } from 'shoto-js'
import home from './routes/homeRoute.js';
import person from './routes/personRoute.js';
const app = new Application(3000);
app.runRoute(home.router) //Home router is the end router for call
//Run server
The runRoute method is use to call a route object and it's endpoints
Server Functions
This functions need 3 params: request, response and next. Next is optional.
|Params|Type| isRequried| | ---- | ---- | ---- | |req | Request (from express)| true| |res | Response (from express)| true| |next| function void | false |
import { Exceptions } from "shoto-js"
export function getHome(req, res) {
try {
res.json({ message: 'Say hello' })
} catch (error) {
return Exceptions.InternalServerError(res, error.message)
export function postHome(req, res) {
try {
res.json({ message: 'This is a post' })
} catch (error) {
return Exceptions.InternalServerError(res, error.message)
export function putHome(req, res) {
try {
res.json({ message: 'This is a put' })
} catch (error) {
return Exceptions.InternalServerError(res, error.message)
export function deleteHome(req, res) {
try {
res.json({ message: 'This is a delete' })
} catch (error) {
return Exceptions.InternalServerError(res, error.message)
Shoto-JS handles exceptions with an exceptions class. Exeptions it's a class with a lot exceptions methods.
|Method| First param |Second param | Status| |----| -----| -----| ---- | |NotFound | Response: (from express) | message (optional) | 404| |Unauthorized | Response: (from express) | message (optional) | 401| |Forbidden | Response: (from express) | message (optional) | 403| |BadRequest | Response: (from express) | message (optional) | 400| |InternalServerError | Response: (from express) | message (optional) | 500| |BadGateway | Response: (from express) | message (optional) | 502|
Another method for generate custom exceptions is TemplateError. This method receive a object as param, the object need this props:
|Props| Type| | -----| ---- | |res | Response (from express)| |message| string| |titleCode| string| |code | number| |success| boolean|
Example exceptions
import { Exceptions } from "shoto-js"
export function deleteHome(req, res) {
try {
res.json({ message: 'This is a delete' })
} catch (error) {
return Exceptions.InternalServerError(res, error.message)
Upload Files
Shoto-JS uses multer for file uploads. To configure file uploads you simply have to create an instance of the UploadFile class. You need import this class from Shoto-JS.
import { UploadFile } from 'shoto-js'
const fileTypeRegex = /jpg|png|jpeg|gif|JPG|PNG/
const pathFile = join(__dirname, '/uploads')
const uploadFile = new UploadFile(pathFile, fileTypeRegex)
The constructor receive two params: pathFile and fileTypeRegex
|Parms| Description| | ----- | ----- | |pathFile| Path where the file is saved| |fileTypeRegex | Regex for validate a format file|
The next step is use the method uploadRoute. This method is use to generate a route with the POST
|Params| Type| Description| |----|----|----| |enpoint|string| API route | |inputName| string| Input file name in the HTML or rest client| |yourHost| string| Name of your host (http://localhost:3000 for example) |folderName| string| Folder where the file is saved|
uploadFile.uploadRoute('/upload', 'file', 'localhost:3000', 'upload')
app.runRoute(uploadFile.uploadRoutes)//Router for upload a single file with post method
Example completed
import {Application, UploadFile } from 'shoto-js'
import home from './routes/homeRoute.js';
import person from './routes/personRoute.js';
import { dirname, join } from 'path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
const app = new Application(3000);
//Upload file
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
const fileTypeRegex = /jpg|png|jpeg|gif|JPG|PNG/
const pathFile = join(__dirname, '/uploads')
const uploadFile = new UploadFile(pathFile, fileTypeRegex)
uploadFile.uploadRoute('/upload', 'file', 'localhost:3000', 'upload')
app.runRoute(uploadFile.uploadRoutes)//Router for upload a single file with post method
app.runRoute(home.router) //Home router is the end router for call
//Run server
By: Luis Angel Fernandez