Light and powerful JavaScript templating
Light and powerful JavaScript templating
Allows writing HTML templates with moustache/handlebars inspired shortcodes, the templates are converted to very concise JavaScript functions which can be used in your applications to generate HTML.
The intention is to not send an expensive templating engine to the browser, but simple JS functions.
After looking at various JavaScript templating modules I've decided to create this alternative that is more suitable for my purposes. Some of the code is forked from Template7 but the usage and resulting code is a little different.
This is a Node.JS module available from the Node Package Manager (NPM).
Here's the command to download and install from NPM:
npm install shortcurly -S
In a Node.js module
// Require shortcurly.
var sc = require('shortcurly');
// Create your template string.
var tpl = '<div>{name}</div><div>{birthday.year}</div><div>{sizes}</div>';
// Create an object to hold your functions.
// You can keep passing this back into sc.compile() to build out more templates.
var funcs = {};
// Convert your tpl to a template functions named 'myTpl'.
sc.compile(tpl, funcs, 'myTpl');
// Now funcs.myTpl contains:
// function (p){return '<div>''</div><div>'+p.birthday.year+'</div><div>'+p.sizes+'</div>'}
// Create your params.
var params = {
name: 'Bob',
birthday: { year: 1960 },
sizes: [ 'small', 'medium', 'large' ]
// Send your params and funcs to the browser.
// Executing funcs.myTpl(params) returns:
// '<div>Bob</div><div>1960</div><div>small,medium,large</div>'
Nested templates / Subtemplates / Partials
(yeah, I'm not sure what to call these - partials is misleading because the subtemplate can be a repurposed full template)
A template can use another template to handle part of it's output.
{> SubtemplateName childParam}
Where 'SubtemplateName' is the name of the nested template and 'childParam' is an object that will be used as the param for that template.
These nested templates can access the state variable if applicable (see "Working With State" below).
If you pass in a 4th parameter to sc.compile() 'report' as an empty object
you will get a list of template names in report.missing
that were not yet
compiled. Keep passing the same report variable in to subsequent call to
sc.compile(), and this will tip you off as to which subtemplates need to be
packed with the templates you've compiled when sending to the browser.
{#if variable}variable is truthy{/if}
{#if !variable}variable is falsey{/if}
{#if variable}variable is truthy{else}variable is falsey{/if}
Looping Object Properties
{#for stuff in myObject}
<li>{stuff}: {myObject[stuff]}</li>
Here the object myObject
is being looped, and the template has nominated each property be named stuff
So {stuff}
will output the key, and {myObject[stuff]}
will output the value.
Note: The syntax for looping object properties uses the 'in' keyword.
You can also use {_i}
to get a numeric index.
Looping Arrays Of Objects
{#for person of people}
<li>{person.firstName} {person.lastName}</li>
Will work with these params:
var params = {
people : [
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe'
firstName: 'Mark',
lastName: 'Johnson'
Note: The syntax for looping arrays uses the 'of' keyword.
You can also use {_i}
to get a numeric index.
Looping Arrays
{#for thing of like}
Will work with these params:
var params = {
like: ['people', 'places', 'things']
Note: The syntax for looping arrays uses the 'of' keyword.
You can also use {_i}
to get a numeric index.
Handling Empty Arrays/Objects
For-loops have an in-built 'else' condition which is used when there are no items to loop or the variable is missing.
{#for thing of like}
<li>No items to display</li>
Will work with these params:
var params = {
like: [],
Escaping HTML
var tpl = '<div>{escape value}</div>';
var funcs = {};
sc.compile(tpl, funcs, 'myTpl');
// In the browser...
var params = {
value: '<this>" & is not"</html>'
// funcs.myTpl(params)
// returns: '<div><this>" & is not"</html></div>'
There is support for JavaScript in templates.
As a helper:
<div>{js label + (3+5)}</div>
with params { label: 'test' }
produces '<div>test8</div>'
As an argument to another helper:
<a href="#"{#if js(title == "Link")} class="active"{/if}>
with params { title: 'Link' }
produces <a href="#" class="active">
See "User-Supplied JavaScript" (below) if templates can be created by your users.
This module exports all of its functions so you can potentially overwrite some parts of it!
Creating Helpers
You can add to sc.helpers
, to create new helpers:
sc.helpers.baz = {
process: (ctx, block, returns, functions, report) => {
// Look at the values of ctx and block, and modify returns/functions/report as needed.
// Typically you just use returns.push() to add a new string to concat into the output.
// You can add supporting functions to 'functions', but try to inline where possible to
// maintain variable scope. Try to manually minify output as much as possible.
// See code in the existing helpers, it may take some time to understand/debug.
Working With State
In addition to the params you can also access a state variable in your templates. State variables are passed to subtemplates/partials (unlike the parent template's params).
To use a state variable simply set sc.state
to the name of your state variable prior to running
var tpl = 'I can access {} in templates';
sc.state = 'state';
sc.compile(tpl, funcs, 'myTpl');
// Now in the browser...
var params = {
// Your Params
var state = {
// Your State
foo: 'state values'
funcs.myTpl(params, state);
User-Supplied JavaScript
Allowing users to create templates has security implications because of the access to JavaScript in this templating system.
If you're allowing users to create templates (e.g. via a GUI) you need to decide whether they
have permission to use the JS helpers. Prior to running sc.compile() you should set sc.jsPerm
to true
or false
accordingly for each user. When false
the JavaScript parts will be
replaced with an empty string.
If you want to know whether a template contained JS that was skipped because of jsPerm being false, you can pass a 4th param to sc.compile(), an empty object, which will contain a report:
var tpl = "(the user supplied template)"
var funcs = {};
var report = {};
sc.jsPerm = false;
sc.compile(tpl, funcs, 'templateName', report);
// report.jsSkipped now contains an array of template names where JS was skipped.
You can reuse the report variable as you would with the func variable, and check it later. The results of this report can be used to warn the user that their JavaScript was omitted.
Tests are available in the github repo and can be executed with npm test
To check coverage you have to install istanbul globally:
npm install istanbul -g
and then execute:
npm run coverage
A coverage summary will be displayed and a full coverage report will appear in the /coverage directory.
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add mocha tests for coverage and explicitly test bugs.