Asynchronous invoke and other goodies for cake.
Adds asynchronous tasks, generators, promises, dependencies and more to Cake.
- Asynchronous tasks are fully supported and composable.
- Generator based-control flow for tasks with full support for Promises.
- Tasks can declare dependencies and ensure they execute successfully first.
- You can require CoffeeScript files from your Cakefile automatically.
- More natural CLI (options can be specified last, i.e.:
cake build --minify
). - Better stacktraces with source map support for CoffeeScript files.
- Additional helpers to make writing tasks faster and more pleasant.
npm install -g shortcake
For best results alias cake=shortcake
in your ~/.zshrc
or ~/.bashrc
Just add require 'shortcake'
at the top of your Cakefile!
Async tasks
Async tasks are easy to declare, any task with an obvious callback will be
treated as asynchronous. Add an additional argument called callback
, cb
or next
and use it to indicate when your task is finished executing.
task 'compile:js', 'compile js', (done) ->
exec 'coffee -bc', done
task 'minify:js', 'minify js', (done) ->
exec 'uglify-js --compress --mangle app.js > app.min.js', done
Promise tasks
You can also return a promise from your task and shortcake will automatically
wait for it to resolve. Since executive
returns a promise, this works too:
task 'compile:js', 'compile js', ->
exec 'coffee -bc'
Invoking multiple tasks
You can manually invoke tasks and string them together with callbacks:
task 'build', 'build project', ->
invoke 'compile:js', ->
invoke 'minify:js'
Declaring dependencies
Dependencies can be declared by adding an array of task names after your task's description.
task 'build', 'build project', ['compile:js', 'minify:js']
Serial tasks
You can also pass an array of tasks invoke
and it will execute them in order
for you:
task 'build', 'build project', (done) ->
invoke ['compile:js', 'minify:js'], done
...or more explicitly using invoke.serial
Parallel tasks
If you want to execute tasks in parallel you can use invoke.parallel
task 'compile', 'compile css & js', (done) ->
invoke.parallel ['compile:css', 'compile:js'], done
Detecting running tasks
You can check for running tasks using the running
task 'watch', 'watch for changes and re-compile js', ->
exec 'coffee -bcmw -o lib/ src/'
task 'watch:test', 'watch for changes and re-run tests', (options) ->
invoke 'watch'
require('vigil').watch __dirname, (filename, stats) ->
return if running 'test'
if /^test/.test filename
invoke 'test', test: filename
if /^src/.test filename
invoke 'test'
Generator tasks
You can also use yield
to wait for the value of a promise and eschew the use
of callbacks.
task 'compile:js', 'compile js', ->
yield exec 'coffee -bc'
task 'minify:js', 'minify js', ->
yield exec 'uglify-js --compress --mangle app.js > app.min.js'
This really pays dividends with more complicated tasks:
task 'package', 'Package project', ->
yield exec '''
mkdir -p dist
rm -rf dist/*
yield exec.parallel '''
cp manifest.json dist
cp -rf assets dist
cp -rf lib dist
cp -rf views dist
yield exec '''
zip -r dist
rm -rf dist
You can peruse shortcake's Cakefile for a real world example.