A set of tools for making Shopify apps. Under the hood includes a basic API client, and higher-level ORM-like resources. It also includes an authentication middleware which abstracts all of the OAuth installation implementation.
Shopify Tools
A set of tools for making Shopify apps. Under the hood includes a basic API client, and higher-level ORM-like resources. It also includes an authentication middleware which abstracts all of the OAuth installation implementation.
Works for OAuth and Private apps except the auth middleware (OAuth only).
Finish sub collections / collection-specific methods
- Article
- Asset
- CustomerAddress
- Policy
- Product Variant
- Province
- Refund
- Transaction
Basic Usage
If using the middleware, there is no need for instantiating the sessions or client/resources because those are done for you on each request.
See below for private app usage, the same follows for OAuth apps except you need to either update or create a new session for each store.
import { ShopifyAuthMiddleware } from 'shopify-tools'
import db from '../db'
const { Tenant } = db.models;
export default new ShopifyAuthMiddleware({
listingHandle: 'kitchen-sink', // The handle for Shopify app listing (optional)
host: process.env.APP_HOST, // The app's hostname
apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY, // The API key for your OAuth application
secret: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_SECRET, // The Shared Secret for your OAuth application
scopes: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_SCOPES.split(','), // Permissions for your app
autoInstall: true, // Any requests that aren't authorized are redirected to the install url
applicationBase: '/admin', // Base url for your embedded application
applicationInstall: '/install', // Url for initiating OAuth
applicationInstallCallback: '/install/callback', // Callback url for OAuth
anonymousInstall: false, // Allow installation requests from any url
// Defaults to only verified requests from Shopify app store.
anonymousWebhooks: false, // Turn this off to perform authentication for webhooks.
webhooksBase: '/api/webhooks', // Base url for automatically created webhooks.
webhooks: [
scripts: [ // List of host-rooted assets to install automatically,
'/assets/js/storefront.js' // absolute urls not supported at this point
// (Required) Must return an object with the shape
// { access_token: 'xxx' }
willAuthenticate(req, res, next) {
let { shop } = req.query;
Tenant.findOne({ shop }).then(next)
// (Required) Must create a Tenant record and
// save their nonce code
willInstall(shop, nonce, next) {
let tenant = new Tenant({ shop, nonce })
// (Required) Your chance to save the access_token for the app.
// Must persist this to make future API requests.
didInstall(shop, code, access_token, next) {
Tenant.update({ shop }, { code, access_token }).then(next)
// Called when the user uninstalls an app
didUninstall(shop) {
// destroy any sub records
Tenant.remove({ shop }).exec();
import shopify from './lib/shopify'
let app = express()
// Install this to enable webhook verification
verify: shopify.bodyParserVerify
// Before your routes
// Anywhere in your application, maybe a static class
shopify.on('products/update', (context, payload)=> {
// context === returned from options.willAuthenticate
// Imaginary Sequelize collection
where: { tenant:, shopify_id: }
}, payload);
// if resources enabled (with ES7 async/await)
app.get('/admin', async (req, res)=> {
let { Products, Orders } = res.locals.resources;
let products = await Products.findAll();
res.render('dashboard', { products })
// lower level, promise example
app.get('/admin/products/:id', (req, res) {
let { client } = res.locals;
client.get(`products/${}`).then((resp)=> {
res.render('product', { product: resp.product });
// Outside of the app base.
app.get('/other', (req, res)=> {
// res.locals.client === undefined
import { ShopifyResources, ShopifyPrivateSession } from 'shopify-tools'
let session = new ShopifyPrivateSession({
host: 'localhost:3000', // your app's hostname
shop: '',
apiKey: 'xxxx',
secret: 'xxxx',
let resources = new ShopifyResources({ session });
resources.Products.findOne(123124, { fields: 'handle,title' }).then((product) => {
// product.get('title') === 'foo'
// product.toJSON() === { id: 123124, title: 'foo', handle: 'foo' }
host: 'localhost:3000', // your app's hostname
shop: '',
apiKey: 'xxxx',
secret: 'xxxx',
new ShopifyOAuthSession(options)
host: '', // The app must be served over https, use a proxy like ngrok
apiKey: 'xxxx',
secret: 'xxxx',
shop: ''
access_token: '$shop_access_token',
scopes: ['read_themes', 'write_products']
API Client
new ShopifyClient(options)
session: ShopifyOAuthSession|ShopifyPrivateSession