A package to help you bulk export data from Shopify's API.
A package to help you bulk export data from Shopify's async Bulk Operation API.
[!WARNING] Using this package usually results in a long-running task (using
to pause until the export has completed), so is not suitable for usage in servers or API's - it is best suited for custom Node.js scripts you may create and run locally, or in background jobs.
Install the package:
pnpm install shopify-bulk-export
Then, import the package and use the default exported function to run a query:
import bulkExport from 'shopify-bulk-export'
interface Product {
id: string
title: string
// The function accepts a generic, which will be the type of the nodes returned:
const data = await bulkExport<Product>({
query: 'query Products { products { edges { node { id title } } } }',
store: {
accessToken: '',
name: ''
You can also pass a TypedDocumentNode
query if you use the GraphQL Code Generator for example:
import bulkExport from 'shopify-bulk-export'
import { ProductsQueryDoc } from './generated'
const data = await bulkExport({
query: ProductsQueryDoc,
store: {
accessToken: '',
name: ''
If your query has variables (for example a search query), you can pass these in and they will be replaced in your query:
import bulkExport from 'shopify-bulk-export'
const searchQuery = `<some-runtime-value>`
const data = await bulkExport({
query: 'query Products ($searchQuery: String!) { products (query: $searchQuery) { edges { node { id title } } } }',
store: {
accessToken: '',
name: ''
variables: {