Integrasion Shipping Indonesia with shipdeo,
Integrasion Shipping Indonesia with shipdeo,
Official Website
- Shipdeo - Website Shipdeo
- Portal Shipdeo - access for User Shipdeo
- Contact Us - our Customer Service
Courier List
Courier list is a service that displays a list of available couriers along with the courier code. The courier code will later be used when accessing the Tracking, Pricing and Order API. The following is the courier code on shipdeo:
Reguler & Cargo Courier
| code | courier name | | --------- | -------------- | | sicepat | Sicepat Ekspres| | jne | JNE Express | | ninja | Ninja Express | | sap | SAP Express | | jnt | J&T Express | | anteraja | Anteraja | | sc | Sentral Cargo | | idx | ID Express |
Instant Courier
| code | courier name | | --------- | -------------- | | gosend | GoSend | | grab | Grab Express |
Getting Started
For install our library
npm i shipdeo
For API integration, we divide it into 3 stages as follows:
- Setup auth and master data
- Order API integration
- Webhook integration
After carrying out all the steps above, integration testing or UAT can be carried out with the Shipdeo team to ensure that the data sent to Shipdeo is appropriate. To minimize problems in the future, it is recommended to release to production after carrying out UAT with the Shipdeo team.
Get Credential Shipdeo
The following is how to get the clientId
and clientSecret
on the shipdeo portal.
- Login and access the shipdeo apps page
- Fill in the integration form
- Enter the name of your webstore
- In he platform option select
- In the courier column, select the courier you want to activate
- Select
to use all shipdeo features on the webstore
- Click save and contact the shipdeo support team to activate the integration
- If the account is active, you can get the
on the integration details page as below
Based on the clientId
and clientSecret
that you have, you can request an accessToken
. accessToken
is a Bearer Token which will later be used as a credential to access Shipdeo Main API and accessToken will expire in 24 hours
Service for generate accessToken
, example
const { ShipdeoAuth } = require("shipdeo");
const clientId = 'yourClientID';
const clientSecret = 'yourClientSecret';
const baseAuthUrl = '';
const client = new ShipdeoAuth(baseAuthUrl, clientId, clientSecret);
.then(token => console.log('Token:', token))
.catch(err => console.error('Error:', err));
Auth implementation recommendations
Service for get ongkir , example:
const { ShipdeoCore } = require("shipdeo");
const ShippingItemRequest = require("shipdeo/model/request/shipping-item.req");
const ShipmentRequest = require("shipdeo/model/request/shipping.req");
const accessToken = "80d7c9dd62be00ae392c8b13989eecbf00862ce5";
const baseUrl = ""
const shipdeoCore = new ShipdeoCore(baseUrl, accessToken);
const item = new ShippingItemRequest({
"value": 100000,
"height": 11,
"width": 11,
"length": 11,
"weight": 1,
"qty": 1,
"weight_uom": "kg",
"dimension_uom": "cm",
"name": "Baju Kerja",
"description": "ini baju kerja",
"is_wood_package": false
const shippingRequest = new ShipmentRequest({
"couriers": [
"ninja", "sicepat"
"is_cod": false,
"origin_subdistrict_code": "31.71.01",
"origin_subdistrict_name": "GAMBIR",
"origin_city_code": "31.71",
"origin_city_name": "KOTA ADM. JAKARTA PUSAT",
"origin_lat": -6.1737996,
"origin_long": 106.8266873,
"destination_subdistrict_code": "31.73.07",
"destination_subdistrict_name": "PAL MERAH",
"destination_city_code": "31.73",
"destination_city_name": "KOTA ADM. JAKARTA BARAT",
"destination_lat": null,
"destination_long": null,
"destination_note": "",
"items" : [
.then(data => console.log('Ongkir:', data))
.catch(err => console.error('Error:', err));
Service for Create Order
const { ShipdeoCore } = require("shipdeo");
const ItemRequest = require("shipdeo/model/request/item");
const OrderRequest = require("shipdeo/model/request/order");
const OrderTransactionRequest = require("shipdeo/model/request/order-transaction");
const order = async () => {
try {
const accessToken = "2949e5d484ef798e974e0884ccd261c9b88f4af5";
const baseUrl = ""
const shipdeoCore = new ShipdeoCore(baseUrl, accessToken);
const item = new ItemRequest({
"value": 20000,
"total_value": 20000,
"height": 11,
"width": 11,
"length": 11,
"weight": 1,
"qty": 1,
"weight_uom": "kg",
"dimension_uom": "cm",
"name": "Baju Kerja",
"description": "ini baju kerja",
"is_wood_package": false
const orderTransaction = new OrderTransactionRequest(
"width": 30,
"height": 10,
"length": 10,
"weight": 1,
"package_category": "NORMAL",
"package_content": "Baju Kerja",
"coolie": 1,
"subtotal": 20000,
"shipping_charge": 8000,
"fee_insurance": 0,
"is_insuranced": false,
"total_value": 28000,
"total_cod": 28000,
"discount": 0
const orderRequest = new OrderRequest({
"courier": "sicepat",
"charge": 8000,
"courier_service": "SIUNT",
"is_cod": true,
"delivery_type": "pickup",
"delivery_time": "4/27/2024 08:31:17 PM +0000",
"origin_subdistrict_code": "31.71.01",
"origin_subdistrict_name": "GAMBIR",
"origin_city_code": "31.71",
"origin_city_name": "KOTA ADM. JAKARTA PUSAT",
"origin_province_code": "31",
"origin_province_name": "DKI JAKARTA",
"origin_lat": -6.1737996,
"origin_long": 106.8266873,
"origin_contact_name" : "Devi",
"origin_contact_phone" : "08200000000",
"origin_contact_address" : "Jln Gambir",
"origin_contact_email" : "[email protected]",
"destination_subdistrict_code": "31.73.07",
"destination_subdistrict_name": "PAL MERAH",
"destination_city_code": "31.73",
"destination_city_name": "KOTA ADM. JAKARTA BARAT",
"destination_province_code": "31",
"destination_province_name": "DKI JAKARTA",
"destination_lat": null,
"destination_long": null,
"destination_contact_name" : "Devi2",
"destination_contact_phone" : "08210000000",
"destination_contact_address" : "Jln Palmerah",
"destination_contact_email" : "[email protected]",
"destination_note": "Deket Apotek 24",
"delivery_note" : "jangan di banting ya",
"items": [
"transaction": orderTransaction
// Function Create Order from shipdeo Core
const order = await shipdeoCore.orderCreate(orderRequest);
console.log('Orders:', order);
} catch (err) {
// Running Service
Note for update and cancel order can use function orderUpdate
and orderRequestCancel
Order Request Pickup/Dropoff
Service for Request pickup/droff to 3pl
const { ShipdeoCore } = require("../src");
const OrderConfirmRequest = require("../src/model/request/order-confirm");
const orderConfirm = async () => {
try {
const accessToken = "e50fc84aa219a03f066a5c812cb1bccc04d66690";
const baseUrl = ""
const shipdeoCore = new ShipdeoCore(baseUrl, accessToken);
const orderConfirmRequest = new OrderConfirmRequest({
"delivery_type": "pickup",
"delivery_time": "4/30/2024 08:31:17 PM +0000",
// Service Request Pickup/Dropoff
const order = await shipdeoCore.orderConfirm(
console.log('Orders:', order);
} catch (err) {
// Running Service