A simple library for shared state-machines between client and server. It was designed to simplify developing web-apps. Client-server communication is often done through APIs, but, (i) designing APIs is laborous; (ii) calling the API in the middle of the a
Shared State Machine
A simple library for shared state-machines between client and server. It was designed to simplify developing web-apps. Client-server communication is often done through APIs, but, (i) designing APIs is laborous; (ii) calling the API in the middle of the application is an imperactive, state-mutating operation. Instead, shared-state-machine
allows you to just define the logic of your app as an initial state and a transaction function. The library then takes care of creating the server, and letting the clients send transactions, and stay synched with the machine's state.
Example: shared random-walk app
This demo implements a random-walk app. Its state is just a number, and it has only one transaction type, which adds a number to the state.
1. Install the lib
npm install shared-state-machine
2. Specify the app
The app specification is just a combination of the initial state and the transaction function.
const walkerApp = {
init: 0,
next: tx => state => tx + state
3. Start the master state-machine (i.e., the "server")
To start the server, you just need the App specification and a port.
const ssm = require("shared-state-machine");
// Inits master machine
ssm.init(walkerApp, 7171).then(() =>
console.log("Started master state machine."));
4. Play the state-machine remotely (i.e., the "clients")
To start a client, you just need the App specification and the server URL. It returns a state-machine object, which allows you to send a transaction with ssm.act(tx)
, and to observe state changes with ssm.get(state => ...)
const ssm = require("shared-state-machine");
// Plays the state machine remotely, "http://localhost:7171").then(ssm => {
// When the state changes, prints it
ssm.get(state => console.log("state: " + state));
// Every second, add a random number to the state
setInterval(() => ssm.act(Math.random() - 0.5), 1000);
The library is a very thin, 70-LOC file which depends on just another thin, 50-LOC library. It uses HTTP pooling for state replication, so, on the large scale, its performance could be improved using websockets.
Whenever you have an application where each client has a view of the whole state of the app, and can act to change that state, then using shared-state-machine
instead of designing an API might be the most robust way to go. It plays really well with React.