A simple validation algorithm to prevent SQL Injection vulnerabilities and Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in your website.
Shade skips (Node)
A simple validation algorithm to prevent SQL Injection vulnerabilities and Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in your website.
SQL Injections and cross-site scripting are vulnerabilities in web applications. If they are exploited the consequences can be disastrous. However, these can be prevented by simply validating user input for malicious characters. But this validation is overlooked by developers, hence leaving a backdoor open for attackers. Shade skips is a simple package which takes care of this validation for you. This package focuses more on security validation and not other basic input validation like email validation. Initially the package is limited to validating input in python, but I am also working to write the validation scripts in node.js and maybe also even java. In further versions I am also hoping to add solutions to prevent the building of a vulnerable web application.