DX@Scale CLI
A Salesforce build system for package based development as a sfdx plugin that can be implemented in any CI/CD system of choice. Read more about the plugin and details here - https://docs.dxatscale.io/projects/sfpowerscripts
- Features
- Orchestrator, which utilizes sfdx-project.json as the source of truth for driving the build system, ensuring very low maintenance on programs often dealing with multiple number of packages
- Builds packages in parallel by respecting dependencies
- Ability to selectively build changed packages in a mono repo
- Ability to deploy only packages that are changed in repo
- Pooling commands to prepare a pool of scratch org's with packages pre-installed for optimized Pull/Merge Request validation
- Artifacts Driven, all create commands produce an artifact or operate on an artifact
- Integrate with any CI/CD system of choice
- Support for external scripts, as hooks making integration easy