A Salesforce DX Plugin to hotpatch metadata before deployments
A Salesforce DX Plugin to hotpatch metadata before deployments
From Sources
- Install the SDFX CLI.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ImperiumMaximus/sfdx-metadata-patcher.git
- Install npm modules:
npm install
- Link the plugin:
sfdx plugins:link .
As Plugin
$ sfdx plugins:install sfdx-metadata-patcher
sf mdata apex testdependencies
sf mdata communities publish
sf mdata manifest align
sf mdata manifest sort
sf mdata patch
sf mdata permset retrieve
sf mdata profile retrieve
sf mdata statecountry configure
sf mdata statecountry template
sf mdata translations convert
sf mdata apex testdependencies
computes the list of (statically) dependant Apex Test Classes to a list of Apex Classes supplied in input up to a certain depth
$ sf mdata apex testdependencies [--json] [--config | -n <value> | -l <value> | -x <value> | -d <value> | --fuzzythreshold
<value> | --usecodecoverage] [--prod] [-o <value>] [--loglevel
-d, --destructivemanifest=<value> file path for destructive manifest (package.xml) of components to delete in delta
-l, --depth=<value> [default: -1] how many iterations to perform while navigating the tree of
-n, --nameconv=<value> [default: Test] naming convention to apply to generate Apex Class Test names
-o, --target-org=<value> [default: [email protected]] Username or alias of the target org
-x, --manifest=<value> file path for manifest (package.xml) of components to deploy in delta
--config show interactive prompt to configure the plugin (writes result on
--fuzzythreshold=<value> [default: .6] the minimum score that can be returned in the fuzzy match
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--prod pass this flag if the command is running while validating / deploying to production
--usecodecoverage include target org existing code coverage tables to extract dependencies
--json Format output as json.
To configure the plugin:
$ sfdx mdata:apex:testdependencies --config
To find all test dependecies for classes in a delta package in a SFDX project with a specific naming convention for test classes:
$ sfdx mdata:apex:testdependencies -x package.xml -d destructiveChanges.xml --nameconv _Test
To find all test dependecies for classes in a delta package in a SFDX project when deploying into production:
$ sfdx mdata:apex:testdependencies -x package.xml -d destructiveChanges.xml --prod
To find all test dependecies for classes in a delta package in a SFDX project with a custom fuzzy threshold score:
$ sfdx mdata:apex:testdependencies -x package.xml -d destructiveChanges.xml --fuzzythreshold 0.75
To find all test dependecies up to a certain depth in a SFDX project:
$ sfdx mdata:apex:testdependencies -x package.xml -d destructiveChanges.xml -l 1
To find all test dependecies for classes in a delta package including ApexCodeCoverage in target org in a SFDX project:
$ sfdx mdata:apex:testdependencies -x package.xml -d destructiveChanges.xml --usecodecoverage
See code: src/commands/mdata/apex/testdependencies.ts
sf mdata communities publish
publishes one or more Experience Cloud communities
$ sf mdata communities publish [--json] [-n <value>] [-w <value>] [-u <value>] [--loglevel
-n, --name=<value> comma-separated list of community names
-u, --targetusername=<value> Username or alias of the target org
-w, --wait=<value> wait (in ms) between publishing one community from the next one (min: 0ms, max:
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--json Format output as json.
To publish all the communities in the org:
$ sfdx mdata:communities:publish
To find a community named Customer and publish it:
$ sfdx mdata:communities:publish -n Customer
To find communities named Customer, Partner and publish them:
$ sfdx mdata:communities:publish -n Customer,Partner
To find a community named Customer in Org with alias uat and publish it:
$ sfdx mdata:communities:publish -n Customer -u uat
To find a community named Customer in Org with username [email protected] and publish it:
$ sfdx mdata:communities:publish -n Customer -u [email protected]
See code: src/commands/mdata/communities/publish.ts
sf mdata manifest align
align manifest (package.xml) in a project using the source format according to the components present in the project itself
$ sf mdata manifest align [--json] [-r <value>] [-p <value>] [-x <value>] [-m <value>] [--loglevel
-m, --metadata=<value> comma-separated list of metadata component names to include in the manifest
-p, --sourcepath=<value> comma-separated list of paths to the local source files from which the manifest
(package.xml) is generated
-r, --rootdir=<value> a source directory from which the manifest (package.xml) is generated
-x, --manifest=<value> [default: manifest/package.xml] output filepath to which the manifest (package.xml) is
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--json Format output as json.
To align the manifest from the default package source directory
$ sfdx mdata:manifest:align -x manifest/package.xml
To align the manifest from a list of source directories
$ sfdx mdata:manifest:align -p /path/to/source1,/path/to/source2,/path/to/source3 -x manifest/package.xml
To align the manifest from the default package source directory together with components of another directory
$ sfdx mdata:manifest:align -r /path/to/root/dir -x manifest/package.xml
To align the manifest from the default package source directory with only specific metadata
$ sfdx mdata:manifest:align -m ApexClass,ApexTrigger,CustomObject -x manifest/package.xml
See code: src/commands/mdata/manifest/align.ts
sf mdata manifest sort
sort alphabetically the components in a manifest (package.xml) file
$ sf mdata manifest sort -x <value> [--json] [--loglevel
-x, --manifest=<value> (required) file path for manifest (package.xml) of components to sort
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--json Format output as json.
To sort the components of a manifest file
$ sfdx mdata:manifest:sort -x manifest/package.xml
See code: src/commands/mdata/manifest/sort.ts
sf mdata patch
patches source metadata files in order to solve common Salesforce deployment bugs or to modifly on the fly API endpoints
$ sf mdata patch [--json] [-e <value>] [-r <value>] [-m <value>] [-s <value>] [--loglevel
-e, --env=<value> [default: default] Environment name used to select the correct patch set from
-m, --mdapimapfile=<value> file with JSON that maps workspaces files (using source structure) to mdapi files. Not
intended to be used when invoked directly, but when invoked by CLI Pre Deploy Hook.
-r, --rootdir=<value> the input directory that contains the source files to be patched
-s, --subpath=<value> [default: main/default] Optional subpath(s) between the root dir and the actual sources
dir (where the profiles/, classes/, etc. are stored)
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--json Format output as json.
See code: src/commands/mdata/patch.ts
sf mdata permset retrieve
retrieve one or more profiles in a project considering all the rest of sources
$ sf mdata permset retrieve [--json] [-r <value>] [-p <value>] [-u <value>] [-x <value>] [-m <value>] [-d <value>]
[--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-d, --outdir=<value> output directory to store the retrieved permission sets
-m, --permsets=<value> comma-separated list of permission sets names to retrieve (by default they are all
retrieved according to what is found in sources/root dir/manifest)
-p, --sourcepath=<value> comma-separated list of paths to the local source files from to retrieve together with
permission sets
-r, --rootdir=<value> a source directory from which the components together with permission sets are retrieved
-u, --targetusername=<value> Username or alias of the target org
-x, --manifest=<value> [default: manifest/package.xml] manifest (package.xml) to retrieve
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--json Format output as json.
To retrieve the permission sets in the default package source directory
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve
To retrieve the permission sets in the default package source directory from a list of source directories
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -p /path/to/source1,/path/to/source2,/path/to/source3
To retrieve the permission sets in the default package source directory from the default source directory together with components of another directory
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -r /path/to/root/dir
To retrieve the permission sets in the default package source directory from a manifest (package.xml)
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -x manifest/package.xml
To retrieve the permission sets in a specific output folder from the default source directory
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -d /path/to/out/dir
To retrieve a specific list of permission sets in the default package source directory
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -m "MyCoolPermSet1,MyCoolPermSet2"
See code: src/commands/mdata/permset/retrieve.ts
sf mdata profile retrieve
retrieve one or more profiles in a project considering all the rest of sources
$ sf mdata profile retrieve [--json] [-r <value>] [-p <value>] [-u <value>] [-x <value>] [-m <value>] [-d <value>]
[--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-d, --outdir=<value> output directory to store the retrieved profiles
-m, --profiles=<value> comma-separated list of profile names to retrieve (by default they are all retrieved
according to what is found in sources/root dir/manifest)
-p, --sourcepath=<value> comma-separated list of paths to the local source files from to retrieve together with
-r, --rootdir=<value> a source directory from which the components together with profiles are retrieved
-u, --targetusername=<value> Username or alias of the target org
-x, --manifest=<value> [default: manifest/package.xml] manifest (package.xml) to retrieve
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--json Format output as json.
To retrieve the profiles in the default package source directory
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve
To retrieve the profiles in the default package source directory from a list of source directories
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -p /path/to/source1,/path/to/source2,/path/to/source3
To retrieve the profiles in the default package source directory from the default source directory together with components of another directory
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -r /path/to/root/dir
To retrieve the profiles in the default package source directory from a manifest (package.xml)
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -x manifest/package.xml
To retrieve the profiles in a specific output folder from the default source directory
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -d /path/to/out/dir
To retrieve a specific list of profiles in the default package source directory
$ sfdx mdata:permsets:retrieve -m "Admin,Read Only,Custom: Sales Profile"
See code: src/commands/mdata/profile/retrieve.ts
sf mdata statecountry configure
configure new and/or existing Country and State Picklist values from an Excel file mapping using Selenium Webdriver
$ sf mdata statecountry configure -f <value> [--json] [-c skip|rename] [-v] [-m <value>] [-u <value>] [--loglevel
-c, --conflictspolicy=<option> [default: skip] specify the policy to use in resolving conflicts with existing Country
and / or State codes with different labels. Use "skip" to ignore the change proposed
in the Excel file and keep the value already in the Org as it is. Use "rename" to edit
the existing value in the Org with the label supplied in the Excel file
<options: skip|rename>
-f, --mappingpath=<value> (required) Excel file containing the mappings of Countries and States to configure in
the target Org
-m, --mdatafile=<value> file path to an existing AddressSettings file to determine possible conflicts between
the configuration in the target Org and the mapping supplied in the Excel file. If not
specified a fresh one is retrieved from the target Org
-u, --targetusername=<value> Username or alias of the target org
-v, --check specify the policy to use in resolving conflicts with existing Country and / or State
codes with different labels. Use "skip" to ignore the change proposed in the Excel
file and keep the value already in the Org as it is. Use "rename" to edit the existing
value in the Org with the label supplied in the Excel file
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--json Format output as json.
To configure the State / Country Picklist from an Excel file in the current default org
$ sfdx mdata:statecountry:configure -f /path/to/state/country/to/configure.xlsx
See code: src/commands/mdata/statecountry/configure.ts
sf mdata statecountry template
generate an Excel file template from the currently configured Country and State picklist in the target Org
$ sf mdata statecountry template -p <value> [--json] [-m <value>] [-u <value>] [--loglevel
-m, --mdatafile=<value> file path to an existing AddressSettings file to determine possible conflicts between
the configuration in the target Org and the mapping supplied in the Excel file. If not
specified a fresh one is retrieved from the target Org
-p, --outputpath=<value> (required) File path where the resulting Excel file will be written to
-u, --targetusername=<value> Username or alias of the target org
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--json Format output as json.
To generate an Excel template of the State / Country Picklist currently configured in the current default org
$ sfdx mdata:statecountry:template -o /path/to/template/to/generate.xlsx
See code: src/commands/mdata/statecountry/template.ts
sf mdata translations convert
converts a translation file from one format to another (e.g. from Salesforce Translation Format (STF) to Excel or viceversa)
$ sf mdata translations convert -f stf|xlsx -t stf|xlsx -i <value> -d <value> [--json] [-m <value>] [-s <value>] [-r <value>]
[--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-d, --outfile=<value> (required) Path of the output file
-f, --from=<option> (required) Format of the source file
<options: stf|xlsx>
-i, --infile=<value> (required) Path of the input file
-m, --metadata=<value> Comma-separated list of metadata component names
-r, --rowheadernum=<value> [default: 1] Index (starts from 1) of the row that contains the header
-s, --sheets=<value> Comma-separated list of XLSX sheet names
-t, --to=<option> (required) Format of the destination file
<options: stf|xlsx>
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--json Format output as json.