Helps in upgrading salesforce api version for all metadata files, up to 200.0 apiversion
Easy to use tool for upgrading API versions salesforce meta xml files!
Helps in upgrading salesforce api version for selected metadata files. Specify a target api version and the plugin will take care of modifying all the meta xml files with the target api version!
#original source code reference: https://github.com/ganesh2109/salesforce-apiversion-upgrade
Since this is a SFDX plugin, it is a pre-requisite to have salesforce CLI installed globally first. Once that is in place, you can use the below to install this plugin!
Install the plugin
$ sfdx plugins:install sfdx-apiversion-upgrade
$ sf plugins install sfdx-apiversion-upgrade
To check whether the plugin is installed
$ sfdx metadatautil:upgradeapiversion
$ sf metadatautil upgradeapiversion
To update the plugin to the latest version
$ sfdx plugins:update
$ sf plugins update
To check the installed plugins list and version
$ sfdx plugins
$ sf plugins
$ sfdx metadatautil:upgradeapiversion -m <array> -p <string> [-s <number>] [-t <number>] [-x <string>] [-d] [--json]
[--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-d, --dryrun If present will only output the files changed without actually changing them
-m, --metadata (required) Select metadata type.pick one or several of them, e.g: classes or classes/triggers;
Possible values: classes/pages/components/triggers/aura/lwc/flows
-p, --path (required) The path to your src folder
-s, --sourceversion The API version threshold from which you wish to upgrade. e.g. if input 45, means the vesion <=45.0 would be upgraged to the target version. Minimum: 10, Maximum: 199, Default: 60(normally would use the latest version)
-t, --targetversion The API version you want to upgrade to. Minimum:51 Maximum:200 Default:61
-x, --fileprefix Metadata filename prefix. E.g. App for App_Utils.cls. Default: none(all files)
sfdx metadatautil:upgradeapiversion -m [classes|classes/pages/triggers] -s 40 -t 48 -p "{yourprojectsrc-path}\src"
sfdx metadatautil:upgradeapiversion -m classes/pages -s 40 -t 48 -p "{yourprojectsrc-path}\src" -x "App"
sf metadatautil upgradeapiversion -m [classes|classes/pages] -s 60 -t 61 -p "src"