Salesforce Debu Logs to you it's a cli app that allow user download ApexLogs using token and instanceUrl
SFDL2U is a command line interface tool to download, format and extract information from Salesforce Apex Logs
- v1.x.x - Functionality mainly focus on troubleshooting sessions that require extract Manage Package logs using Subscriber Access. The reason is that with the feature the User don't have credentials for authentication and that's why of the Workaround describe bellow to obtain the sessionId
v.1.2.0: Download, format and extract logs information
- Download and Install Node at: https://nodejs.org/
- Validate your version Node using
node -v
- Install the SFDL2U using NPM
npm install --global sfdl2u
config.json contains the information required for authentication purpose.
"authToken":"Bearer 00D5Y000002SvGP\u0021AQoAQOdUfUNO.GcJhucnSTtEtkE0d0jJlF3LlyUpJk3UzJ8AjfxDK_I_17.0q5ZnBoIeZDhV1uODluA5RLRNbCMEqWrb.vWS"
"instanceUrl": "https://{yourinstance}.my.salesforce.com"
Note: If this file is not added, each time you execute sfdl2u the authToken and the instanceUrl will be ask as inputs
Workaround to access the authToken (SessionId)
Execute a query operation to get the curl request with the information required:
Create config.json file in your troubleshooting folder using the information from curl request:
If you copy over the curl request in the config file as the image above, delete the curl request information and save the file with the proper JSON format
in your troubleshooting directory where you configured the config.json fileA new folder called ApexLogs will be created with all the existing logs in the org***
*** Check the options bellow to filter the logs to download using queryWhere
By default the information retrieved comes from SELECT Id FROM ApexLog
Additional Command Line Options
The boolean options supported using --optionName
| Option Name |Description |Example |Default value |
| queryWhere |Allows you to enter a SOQL statements after the FROM ApexLog
|WHERE Operation != '<empty'> ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC|
|folderName |Allows you to enter the name of the folder where the logs will be saved
|NewLogs2022 | ApexLog
| debug | It Will turn on logs from the module
|createDraftConfig|It will create config.json file|{ "authToken":"", "instanceUrl": ""}|
|clearFinest|It will remove all lines that contains HEAP_ALLOCATE and STATEMENT_EXECUTE||
|format|It will give 3 options: 1) One file: Extract all query lines, 2) One file: Clear out HEAP_ALLOCATE and STATEMENT_EXECUTE, 3) All files in a folder: Clear out HEAP_ALLOCATE and STATEMENT_EXECUTE ||
|help|Additional information related to sfdl2u cli app||