An easy way to make requests in salesforce commerce cloud. Read the README to Install !
SFCC Requests
This project is an easy way to make requests in salesforce commerce cloud.
Usage Flow
- Each BM Service must have an endpoint
- RequestService; loads and handle the BM Service
- RequestBuilder; encapsulates the core methods for creating a request
Download the folder requests
and put in your cartridge, I recommend put the requests
folder inside the scripts
Request Service
The RequestService
is the first layer of a request
const RequestService = require('*/cartridge/<my-cartridge>/scripts/requests/RequestService.js')
const myService = new RequestService("my-service");
if (myService.hasError) { // Check if service has any error
var err = myService.error // Get the service error message
// ...
// ...
A RequestService
instance allows you to call a http method, it returns a RequestBuilder
Supported HTTP Methods:
The RequestBuilder
is the second layer of the request process
const myService = new RequestService("my-service");
if (myService.hasError) { // Check if service has any error
var err = myService.error // Get the service error message
// ...
myService.GET("your-endpoint") // Use this method to create a GET request
myService.POST("your-endpoint") // Use this method to create a POST request
myService.PATCH("your-endpoint") // Use this method to create a PATCH request
myService.PUT("your-endpoint") // Use this method to create a PUT request
myService.DELETE("your-endpoint") // Use this method to create a DELETE request
About the request final URL
The request URL is Service URL
+ Endpoint
Example, your service contains the url https://localhost/
and you call a GET request to users
The result is https://localhost/users
Very simple example of a get Request
const myService = new RequestService("my-service");
if (myService.hasError) { // Check if service has any error
var err = myService.error // Get the service error message
// ...
const request = myService.GET("your-endpoint")
const response = request.call() // This method performs the request
var status = response.status // Response status
var body = response.body // Response body
var headers = response.headers // Response headers
Request Builder Methods
Getting information about the request
* @type {RequestBuilder}
const request = myService.GET("your-endpoint")
// Returns the current URL
// Returns the current Headers
// Returns the current body
// Returns the current url query params
// Returns the current form multiparts (Use it to form)
Setting Headers
// Add a header to request headers
request.addHeader('Header', 'Value')
// Or
// Add many headers to request headers
'Header_1': 'Value_1',
'Header_2': 'Value_2'
Setting Body
Raw Body
// Set a request body
// The first argument is a string (raw body)
// The second argument is the Content-Type
request.setBody("payload", "text/plain")
// Set a JSON in the request body and add the header Content-Type as application/json
request.setJSON({"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe"})
Working with Forms
// To create a form, use the addMultiPart
const HTTPRequestPart = require('dw/net/HTTPRequestPart')
// Each addMultiPart adds a form field in the current request body
request.addMultiPart(new HTTPRequestPart("first_name", "John")) // field_name and field_value
request.addMultiPart(new HTTPRequestPart("last_name", "Doe"))
Setting Query Params
// Add the query param to current query params
request.addQueryParam("sort", "desc")
// You can verify the current url using the method `request.getURL()`
// Example of updated url = https://localhost/users?sort=desc
Call function Options
The call function, performs the HTTP request, it has some options.
| Option | Value | Description | |-----------------|---------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | sendAsMultiPart | boolean | Case true, then sends the body as a multipart form | | followRedirect | boolean | Case true, then follow a HTTP redirect | | parseResponse | boolean | Case true, then executes the JSON.parse in the response body | | timeout | number | The number of milliseconds to wait for a response (the maximum is 15 minutes) |
Example of a request using options
var response = myRequest.call({
followRedirect: true, // Follows a HTTP Redirect
parseResponse: true, // Parse the response body
Request Content Types
This is an internal helper for creating the Content-Type header
This can be useful to standardize headers, it is inspired by the MediaType class of spring boot
Most MIME types can be found in this helper
Application JSON
const RequestContentTypes = require('*/cartridge/<my-cartridge>/scripts/requests/internal/RequestContentTypes.js')
var json = RequestContentTypes.JSON().getValue() // Returns application/json
// or
var jsonEncode = RequestContentTypes.JSON().getValueEncoded("UTF-8") // Returns application/json; charset: UTF-8
Any, Other Types and Custom Mime
RequestContentTypes.ANY_TYPE().getValue() // Returns */*
RequestContentTypes.OCTET_STREAM().getValue() // Returns application/octet-stream
RequestContentTypes.PLAIN_TEXT().getValue() // Returns text/plain
// Or, create a custom MIME
RequestContentTypes.CUSTOM("aaa", "bbb").getValue() // Returns aaa/bbb
Predefined MIME types supported
| ANY_TYPE | */*
| ANY_TEXT_TYPE | text/*
| ANY_IMAGE_TYPE | image/*
| ANY_AUDIO_TYPE | audio/*
| ANY_VIDEO_TYPE | video/*
| ANY_APPLICATION_TYPE | application/*
| CACHE_MANIFEST | text/cache-manifest
| CSS | text/css
| CSV | text/csv
| HTML | text/html
| I_CALENDAR | text/calendar
| PLAIN_TEXT | text/plain
| TEXT_JAVASCRIPT | text/javascript
| TSV | text/tab-separated-values
| VCARD | text/vcard
| WML | text/vnd.wap.wml
| XML | text/xml
| BMP | image/bmp
| CRW | image/x-canon-crw
| GIF | image/gif
| ICO | image/vnd.microsoft.icon
| JPEG | image/jpeg
| PNG | image/png
| PSD | image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
| SVG | image/svg+xml
| TIFF | image/tiff
| WEBP | image/webp
| MP4_AUDIO | audio/mp4
| MPEG_AUDIO | audio/mpeg
| OGG_AUDIO | audio/ogg
| WEBM_AUDIO | audio/webm
| MP4_VIDEO | video/mp4
| MPEG_VIDEO | video/mpeg
| OGG_VIDEO | video/ogg
| QUICKTIME | video/quicktime
| WEBM_VIDEO | video/webm
| WMV | video/x-ms-wmv
| APPLICATION_XML | application/xml
| ATOM | application/atom+xml
| BZIP2 | application/x-bzip2
| DART | application/dart
| APPLE_PASSBOOK | application/vnd.apple.pkpass
| EOT | application/vnd.ms-fontobject
| EPUB | application/epub+zip
| FORM_DATA | application/x-www-form-urlencoded
| KEY_ARCHIVE | application/pkcs12
| APPLICATION_BINARY | application/binary
| GZIP | application/x-gzip
| JAVASCRIPT | application/javascript
| JSON | application/json
| MANIFEST_JSON | application/manifest+json
| KML | application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml
| KMZ | application/vnd.google-earth.kmz
| MBOX | application/mbox
| APPLE_MOBILE_CONFIG | application/x-apple-aspen-config
| MICROSOFT_EXCEL | application/vnd.ms-excel
| MICROSOFT_POWERPOINT | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
| MICROSOFT_WORD | application/msword
| OCTET_STREAM | application/octet-stream
| OGG_CONTAINER | application/ogg
| OOXML_DOCUMENT | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
| OOXML_PRESENTATION | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
| OOXML_SHEET | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
| OPENDOCUMENT_GRAPHICS | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics
| OPENDOCUMENT_PRESENTATION | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
| OPENDOCUMENT_SPREADSHEET | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
| OPENDOCUMENT_TEXT | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
| PDF | application/pdf
| POSTSCRIPT | application/postscript
| PROTOBUF | application/protobuf
| RDF_XML | application/rdf+xml
| RTF | application/rtf
| SFNT | application/font-sfnt
| SHOCKWAVE_FLASH | application/x-shockwave-flash
| SKETCHUP | application/vnd.sketchup.skp
| TAR | application/x-tar
| WOFF | application/font-woff
| XHTML | application/xhtml+xml
| XRD | application/xrd+xml
| ZIP | application/zip