Serverless Force Bench
Serverless Force Bench
SFB(Serverless Force Bench) is a tool for bench testing on AWS Serverless.
1. How to use it?
1.1 Requirements
node -v
>= v16.16.0npm -v
>= 9.6.6docker -v
>= 24.0.2- Setting AWS Credentials
1.2 Install the CLI
npm i -g sfb
1.3 Show Help Options
sfb help
2. Stack
Before using CLI, you need to first deploy the base stack in your chosen region.
Permissions: Managing stacks usually requires administrator permissions.
2.1 Deploy/Update
# deploy a new stack or update stack
sfb deploy
# deploy a new stack or update stack in specify region
sfb deploy --region <your-region>
2.2 Remove
# remove the stack
sfb remove
# remove the stack in specify region
sfb remove --region <your-region>
2.3 List Deployed Regions
sfb regions
3. Tasks
Permissions: Using the CLI usually requires ordinary permissions:
- lambda:invokeFunction
- ec2:describeRegions
- cloudformation:describeStacks
3.1 Create Task
# show how create a new task
sfb create --help
# create a new task in current region
sfb create --name test --type API --n 10 --c 2 --compute Lambda --url https://api.com
# create a new task in specific region(s)
sfb create --name test --type API --n 10 --c 2 --compute Fargate --delay 30 --url https://api.com --regions ap-southeast-1,us-east-2
3.2 List Tasks
# list all tasks
sfb ls
# show a specific task detail
sfb ls [taskId]
3.3 Remove Tasks
# remove all tasks
sfb rm
# remove a specific task
sfb rm [taskId]
3.4 Abort Task
# abort a specific task
sfb abort <taskId>
4. How to compute the cost?
- https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/pricing/
- https://aws.amazon.com/step-functions/pricing/
- https://aws.amazon.com/sns/pricing/
- https://aws.amazon.com/ecs/pricing/
- https://aws.amazon.com/batch/pricing/
- https://aws.amazon.com/kinesis/data-streams/pricing/