Library for reading, writing and processing (read, update and write) Salesforce metadata files
Library for reading, writing and processing (read, update, write) Salesforce metadata files.
Read all Salesforce metadata files in a given directory that match a set of patterns. Matched files are passed to a user defined callback function to make changes to the metadata. The processor writes changes back to the original files and returns a list of the filenames that have been updated.
Using options parameter:
let updatedFiles = await processor({
baseDir: 'baseDir',
patterns: [ 'pattern' ],
processorFunction: (data, filename) => data,
format: 'object'
or as a traditional function call:
let updatedFiles = await processor(baseDir, patterns, processorFunction, format);
: read all files in this directorypatterns
: match files by glob pattern(s) (note - can be an array of patterns)processorFunction
: synchronous or asynchronous callback function to process metadata
async (data, filename) => {
return data || Promise<data>; // Required when format is string
: (Default:object
) format of the data as passed to the processing functionobject
: data is parsed into a JavaScript object (support forXML
: data is not parsed, instead the raw contents of the file is passed
: Promise of a list of updated files (all files in the baseDir
that match one or more patterns
). File paths are relative to the baseDir
XML parsing uses the excellent xml2js
module, see xml2js NPM docs for data format information.
Glob patterns use the minimatch
module, see minimatch NPM docs for examples.
Note: *.json
files will be interpreted as JSON
. All other files will be interpreted as XML
files (to support the various traditional MD API format .layout
, .object
, etc.).
Be careful not to process files that are not text based - I'm not sure exactly what will happen... definitely nothing good!
Example - Remove enableHistory and enableFeed attribute from object files
let updatedFiles = await processor(
(data, filename) => {
delete data.enableHistory;
delete data.enableFeeds;
Example - Replace Information labels with Hello in layout files using a string format (i.e. data is not parsed)
let updatedFiles = await processor(
(data, filename) => data.replace('<label>Information</label>', '<label>Hello</label>'),
This is only an example to demonstrate the difference between object
and string
format - working with a parsed format is obviously better...
Read all Salesforce metadata files in a given directory that match a set of patterns.
Using options parameter:
let files = await reader({
baseDir: 'baseDir',
patterns: [ 'pattern' ]
or as a traditional function call:
let files = await reader(baseDir, patterns);
: read all files in this directorypatterns
: match files by glob pattern(s) (note - can be an array of patterns)
: Promise of a list matched file objects (with methods for reading and writing metadata).
Be careful not to read files that are not text based - I'm not sure exactly what will happen... definitely nothing good!
Example - Get all object files
let files = await reader('force-app/main/default', '**/*.object-meta.xml');
Example - Get all object and layout files
let files = await reader({
baseDir: 'force-app/main/default',
patterns: [ '**/*.layout-meta.xml', '**/*.object-meta.xml' ]
Example - Read and write a file
Read file:
let metadata = await file.read();
Example metadata:
type: 'xml',
rootKey: 'CustomObject',
data: {
'$': { xmlns: 'http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata' },
actionOverrides: [
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object]
allowInChatterGroups: [ 'false' ],
compactLayoutAssignment: [ 'SYSTEM' ],
deploymentStatus: [ 'Deployed' ],
enableActivities: [ 'false' ],
enableBulkApi: [ 'true' ],
enableChangeDataCapture: [ 'false' ],
enableReports: [ 'false' ],
enableSearch: [ 'true' ],
enableSharing: [ 'true' ],
enableStreamingApi: [ 'true' ],
label: [ 'Object Name' ],
nameField: [ [Object] ],
pluralLabel: [ 'Object Names' ],
searchLayouts: [ '' ],
sharingModel: [ 'ReadWrite' ],
visibility: [ 'Public' ]
Write metadata:
let metadata = await file.write();
Write a Salesforce metadata file. This is designed to be used to create a new metadata file, see Processor and Reader for modifying existing files.
Using options parameter:
await writer({
filename: 'filename',
metadata: {
rootKey: 'rootKey',
data: {},
type: 'type'
or as a traditional function call:
await writer(filename, {
rootKey: 'rootKey',
data: {},
type: 'type'
: full file path of file to be writtenmetadata
: metadata object to be built and written to the filerootKey
: root node - applicable for XML files e.g.CustomObject
: metadata that will be built and written to the file, the structure of the data will depend on the typetype
: type of metadata, supported types:xml
: data must be inxml2js
: data must be a standard JavaScript object that will be passed toJSON.stringify
: data must be a string and will be written to the file as-is (no building)
Example - Write a text file
await writer('force-app/main/default/myFile.txt', {
data: 'Hello world',
type: 'string'
Example - Write a JSON file
await writer('force-app/main/default/myFile.json', {
data: {
property: 'value'
type: 'json'
Example - Write an XML file
await writer('force-app/main/default/myFile.xml', {
rootKey: 'CustomObject',
data: {
'$': { xmlns: 'http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata' },
allowInChatterGroups: [ 'false' ],
compactLayoutAssignment: [ 'SYSTEM' ],
deploymentStatus: [ 'Deployed' ],
enableActivities: [ 'false' ],
enableBulkApi: [ 'true' ],
enableChangeDataCapture: [ 'false' ],
enableReports: [ 'false' ],
enableSearch: [ 'true' ],
enableSharing: [ 'true' ],
enableStreamingApi: [ 'true' ],
label: [ 'Object Name' ],
pluralLabel: [ 'Object Names' ],
sharingModel: [ 'ReadWrite' ],
visibility: [ 'Public' ]
type: 'xml'