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Sexy framework
Sexy - is super fast reactive framework for building fast UI. Perfect Google PageSpeed metrics (better 4-5 times then NuxtJS)
Sexy is fast because it compiles components to Native Javascript and it manages reactivity at compiler time!
- No reactivity libs (all deps are made by code analyser)
- No runtime (Framework doesnt work in runtime, only on compilation step)
- Partial hydration (even for loops and conditional statements)
Thanks SolidJS (dom expressions) and Sinuous (fast looping) for their work that helped to make max performance.
- Small.
gzip. - Fast. No reactivity libs, No runtime work
- Partial hydration. Hydrate only dynamic and statefull parts of application
- Truly reactive. automatically derived from the app state.
- Tips & Tricks. Slots, Loops, Statements and Props as we get used to
Performance is a main key of Sexy framework. (syntethic tests)
- Faster in x4.5 times to hydrate dynamic components then NuxtJS
- Faster in x3.5 times to hydrate static components then NuxtJS
- Faster in x3 times to hydrate components with events then NuxtJS
- Faster in x10 times to hydrate components then Svelte (in real test FID better in 3 times)
Best choice for mobile web apps development.
Benchmark was made with 10 000 components with loop function. (Without loop its much more faster).
Performance TODO
- [x] Cache value
- [ ] Class and style optimiztion
- [ ] Render to string (remove JSDOM to speed up server render)
Attribute speed test with MarkoJS benchmark showed 19000 ops/sec for sexy framework and x5 hydration speed
- [x] Single file components
- [x] Statements
- [x] Slots
- [x] Loops
- [x] Props
- [x] Hooks (mounted/unmounted)
- [x] Components auto import/naming
- [x] Directives (Plugins)
- [x] Two-way bindings
- [x] Animation (basic via class)
- [x] Lazy loading (there is bug with root subscriber)
- [x] Dependencies (SFC)
- [ ] Store (Vuex, Mobx...)
- [x] SSR
- [x] Simple router
- [ ] Static site generation
- [x] Project config for SSR (styles entry, bundle analyzer...)
- [ ] Client ssr-first mode (if there is huge page then render it on server, cache and transfer to client instead of render on client directly)
- [ ] Recursive components
- [ ] Dynamic components !! (tags complete)
- [ ] Docs !!
- [ ] Boilerplate generation !!
- [ ] Benchmarks for hydration most popular frameworks
Expression generation should be fixed and tested more
Single file components
Syntax is similar to VueJs but loop and conditional statements has a bit different syntax
<div :class="[var2]" :style="var1">
<slot>Default slot text</slot>
Each with multiple nodes
@each((item, key) in items)
<template :key="key">
// code
Each with signle nodes
@each((item, key) in items)
<div :key="key">
// code
Example with Loop, external component, (bind) (two-way data binding and directive), references and style blocks
@each(item, key in items)
<nav.container ref="test" :key="item.v" (bind)="vv" transition:classed="fade" lazy>
test {{ item.v }}
<!-- <input type="text" (bind)="vv" ref="input"> -->
{{ vv }}
import { bind } from 'sexy-framework/directives'
let items = o([{
v: 'a'
}, {
v: 'b'
let vv = o('test');
function mounted()
function unmounted()
.red {
color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
Example events, classes, styles
<div @click="change" :class="[classList, { active: tick === 1 }]" :style="{ fontSize: tick() + 'px' }">
let tick = o(24);
let test = p(null);
let value = p(null);
let classList = () => {
return {
red: tick() % 2 == 0,
green: tick() % 3 == 0,
some: test() === null,
function change()
$emit('input', 2);
function mounted()
console.log('container mounted');
function unmounted()
console.log('container unmounted');
Burkhanov Kirill ([email protected])
Copyright (c) 2020 Burkhanov Kirill. This is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.