Opinionated module of webpack plugins and loaders for simple setup with explanations of common use cases
Opinionated module of webpack loaders/plugins for simplified usage with examples for common use cases
Reduce boilerplate when creating your webpack config and keep your package.json slim.
Includes abstractions for transforming scss and pug, transpiling and polyfilling your javascript, minfication and reloading the browser on changes. All usage patterns are described with clear examples.
$ npm install setup-webpack
Version v2
upgrades webpack to v4
, introducing a few breaking changes:
Require mode
Either development
or production
mode: "production",
Rename loaders
field to rules
module: {
loaders: [ babel, ... ]
module: {
rules: [ babel, ... ]
Deprecate uglify
This deprecates the uglify
plugin, as it is included in using optimization.minimize = true
plugins: [ uglify ]
optimization: {
minimize : true
Change genPug
to pug
const pug = genPug( "index.html" );
module: {
loaders: [ pug.loader ]
plugins: [ pug.plugin ]
module: {
rules: [ pug( "index.html" ) ]
Change genScss
const scss = genPug( "styles.css" );
module: {
loaders: [ scss.loader ]
plugins: [ scss.plugin ]
module: {
rules: [ scss.rule ]
plugins: [ scss.plugin ]
optimization: {
minimizer: [ scss.minimizer ],
Version v3
upgrades webpack to v5
, introducing no breaking changes!
Webpack version
const { babel, polyfill, browserSync, pug, genScss, img } = require( "setup-webpack" );
const sync = browserSync( 8000, 8080 );
const scss = genScss( "app.css" );
module.exports = {
mode : "production",
entry : polyfill( "./app.bundle.js" ),
output: {
path : path.resolve( __dirname, "build" ),
filename: "app.js",
module: {
rules: [ babel, pug( "app.html" ), scss.rule, scss.font, img( "img/" ) ],
plugins: [ scss.plugin, sync ],
optimization: {
minimize: true,
minimizer: [ scss.minimizer ],
For a real-life example see my personal websites config.
The default config location is in the root of the project, in a file named webpack.config.js
The files to transpile are require
d or import
ed into a single bundle file:
require( "./js/app" );
require( "./js/global-variables" );
require( "axios" );
require( "./scss/base-styles.scss" );
require( "./scss/app.scss" );
require( "./pug/app.pug" );
The bundle file will serve as an entry point for webpack, which will then split up the different file types again. Files of the same type (eg: .js
) will be bundled into a single output file.
const path = require( "path" );
const { pug, genScss } = require( "setup-webpack" );
const scss = genScss( "styles.css" ); // Set output path for css file
module.exports = {
mode : "development", // Run webpack either on 'development' or 'production' mode
entry: "./app.bundle.js", // Entry file that will be loaded into webpack,
output: { // will be a bundle in our case
path: path.resolve( __dirname, "build" ) // Specifies the output path for all files
filename: "scripts.js", // Name of the main file to be exported, which
}, // will even be exported if no js files are being imported
module: {
rules: [
scss.rule, // Extract scss and turn it into css
pug( "index.html" ) // Extract pug, turn into html and save to path
plugins: [ scss.plugin ] // Save css to above specified path
optimization: { // Production optimizations
minimize: true, // Minimize js
minimizer: [ scss.minimizer ], // Minimize css
Required in every config:
For a more in-depth intro, check out the webpack docs.
All examples can be found in the examples/webpack
Clone the repo to run the examples:
$ git clone
Transform scss into css
Transform scss or (sass) files to css.
View commented example at examples/webpack/scss.js
To import local fonts and local images check out the corresponding API docs.
Transform pug into html
Transform pug to html.
View example at examples/webpack/pug.js
To import local images check out the corresponding API docs.
Transform markdown into html
Transform markdown to html, applying GFM styles.
View example at examples/webpack/md.js
Minify and transpile ES6 JavaScript
Reduce file size minify your code and, for compatibility with older browsers, polyfill and transpile ES6+ using babel.
View working commented example at examples/webpack/prod.js
Because this process takes some time, you only want to run this in a production environment and not during development.
Reload browser on file changes
Any changes to the files included in the bundle will cause the project to be rebuild and the browser to reload.
View example at examples/webpack/sync.js
The script has to run webpack in watch (-w) mode in order for browser-sync to be triggered once the project has been rebuilt.
$ webpack -w
Running this command in your terminal will require you to install the webpack-cli, to make use of the local installation use the command in a npm script.
"scripts": {
"watch": "webpack -w"
Differentiate between development and production env
Minification and transpiling will only be triggered by environment variables that indicate a production environment.
View working example at examples/webpack/env.js
Generating more than one output file
View example at examples/webpack/complete.js
For each require
in the entry file, this webpack config will output a transpiled file. If multiple files of the same type are require
d they will be bundled together in a single output file, making it easier for you to import them into your html document and edit their contents.
If no files of a specific type js|scss|pug
are require
d in, webpack will simply not generate an output file of that type. Only the *.bundle.js
file is necessary for the build to complete.
Cherry-pick the parts that you need using object destructuring:
const { babel, pug, genScss } = require( "setup-webpack" );
This loader transpiles ES6+ javascript for older browsers (more on babel) and minifies contents (shrinks down files, removing whitespace, redundant characters, more on minify).
Uses the env preset as well the minifier as options.
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [ babel ]
Uses babel-loader, babel-preset-env, babel-minify-webpack-plugin, babel-core under the hood.
polyfill( path )
Polyfills functions and methods not yet available in all browsers. For more information see polyfill.
module.exports = {
entry: polyfill( "./bundle.js" )
Path to entry point bundle, which requires the code to be build.
Uses babel-polyfill under the hood.
genScss( path )
Transpiles scss code in the entry file into css and writes the file to the given path.
Function generates a webpack rule, plugin and minimizer:
const scss = genScss( "app.css" );
module.exports = {
output: {
path: path.resolve( __dirname, "build" ),
module: {
rules: [ scss.rule ],
plugins: [ scss.plugin ],
optimization: {
minimizer: [ scss.minimizer ],
//=> Saved as build/app.css
also generates includes scss.font
, which is a rule that should be included if you're importing local font files within your sass.
module: {
rules: [ scss.rule, scss.font ]
Uses sass, mini-css-extract-plugin, sass-loader, css-loader, optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin, file-loader under the hood.
pug( path, [data] )
Transpiles pug code in the entry file into html and writes the file to the given path.
module.exports = {
output: {
path: path.resolve( __dirname, "build" ),
module: {
rules: [ pug( "./index.html" ), { headline: "Headline Content" } ],
//=> Saved as build/index.html
Output path of the html file.
pug( "./index.html" )
Data to be passed to pug. In pug available as javascript variables.
pug( "./index.html", { place: "Berlin", time: } )
Uses pug-html-loader, html-loader, extract-loader, file-loader under the hood.
img( directory )
This loader should only be used if you import local images in your pug or scss code.
Unlike the other loaders, this one only takes a directory, not a full path. The filename/extension will be copied over from the original, to not mix up different images.
module.exports = {
output: {
path: path.resolve( __dirname, "build" ),
module: {
rules: [ img( "./img" ) ],
//=> Saved as build/img/[name].[ext]
Uses file-loader under the hood.
md( path, [gfm, style, border, js] )
Transpile require
d markdown files into html. GFM (github flavored markdown) styles are applied.
module.exports = {
output: {
path: path.resolve( __dirname, "build" ),
module: {
rules: [ md( "./docs.html" ) ],
//=> Saved as build/docs.html
Output path for the html file.
md( "docs.html" )
Default: sindresorhus/github-markdown-css
that will be set as stylesheet source for applying the gfm styles.
md( "docs.html", "gfm.css" )
for an additional stylesheet.
To customize the gfm styles.
md( "docs.html", "gfm.css", "custom.css" )
Pass true
to add a Github styled border around the <body>
. See source module for rendered example: jneidel/gfm-loader.
md( "docs.html", "gfm.css", "custom.css", true )
for an additional script file.
md( "docs.html", null, "custom.css", null, "custom.js" )
Uses markdown-loader, html-loader, extract-loader, gfm-loader, file-loader under the hood.
browserSync( [proxy, port] )
Reloads brower windows connected on a given port, after webpack has rebuilt.
The proxy as well as the port are using localhost.
Type: number
Default: 8000
Describes the port your server/app is running on.
Type: number
Default: 8080
Describes the port which browser-sync will be running on. Only browser windows connected to this port will be reloaded.
Without a server:
Currently not supported in this module, but can be easily done using the browser-sync-cli:
In your npm package.json:
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack -w",
"sync": "browser-sync --server --files [ 'dist' ]", // Files/dirs to watch for changes
"watch": "concurrently 'npm run build' 'npm run sync' --names '📦,🔄' --prefix name",
This script requires the global installation of concurrently
Uses browser-sync, browser-sync-webpack-plugin under the hood.
- Add
parameter (js
- Add
parameters (style
For upgrading to 2.x
see install.
MIT © Jonathan Neidel