This library generates breadcrumbs based on angular router. When you have root-child route setup then it will show links of routed path inside breadcrumbs. This library is compatible with angular version 14 and above. If you have any doubts or issue then
Set Title with Breadcrumbs
For library version 0.0.9 , This angular library is used to set Page title and detects angular-router to generate breadcrumbs for your site map. In order to work with this library you have to set app-routing.module.ts with data object properlly.
For Library version 0.0.10 Now, this library is ready to use with standalone components as well.
- generate breadcrumbs
- Sets page title
- adds data property to angular router
This library uses below projects to work properly:
- [Angular] - An angular component and service!
This library requires Angular Core CLI to run.
Install the Library.
$ npm i set-title-with-breadcrumbs
For production environments...
Instructions on how to use this library in your own application are linked below.
Step 1 [add below code inside imports array of your app.module.ts] :
import { SetTitleWithBreadcrumbsModule} from 'set-title-with-breadcrumbs';
imports : [SetTitleWithBreadcrumbsModule]
Step 2 [Now adds lib-set-title-with-breadcrumbs component to root of your component]
Step 3 [In app-routing.module.ts of your file add data:{} ]
const routes: Routes = [
path: "",
component: MainComponent,
data: { title: "Root Page", breadcrums: "Root" }
path: "login",
component: LoginComponent,
data: { title: "Login Page", breadcrums: "Login" }
path: "home",
component: HomeComponent,
data: { title: "Home Page", breadcrums: "Home" },
children: [
path: "records",
component: RecordsComponent,
data: { title: "Home / Records Page", breadcrums: "Records" },
children: [
path: "findrecords",
component: HelloComponent,
data: { title: "Find Records Page", breadcrums: "Find-Records" }
canActivate: [ProtectRouteGuard]
path: "about",
component: AboutComponent,
data: { title: "About Page", breadcrums: "About" },
canActivate: [ProtectRouteGuard]
Each data object must have title and breadcrumbs property.
For old module demo checkout github repo and see for breadcrumbs-project demo inside projects folder of repository. For new standalone components check out this stackblitz link
Github Source Repository Link
Wants to collaborate with this open source library, You can visit this Github Repository and create your feature pull requests.
GRD techlab. Gaurang Dhorda