A Node.js library for sending emails using AWS SES SDK v3 with S3 attachments.
AWS Email SES Sender
AWS Email Sender is a versatile library for sending emails using AWS SES (Simple Email Service) and optionally attaching files from S3. It also supports sending emails using Nodemailer for attachments.
- Send emails with or without attachments.
- Fetch email templates and attachments from S3.
- Supports both AWS SES SDK v3 and Nodemailer for email delivery.
- Easy-to-configure AWS region and credentials.
Install the package using npm:
npm install SESEmailSenderV3
Usage Example
Import and Initialize
Basic Usage Without attachements
const { sendEmail } = require('SESEmailSenderV3');
const awsConfigParams = {
region: 'us-east-1',
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'your-access-key',
secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-key',
const emailParams = {
FromEmailAddress: '[email protected]',
ToAddresses: ['[email protected]'],
Subject: 'Hello from AWS Email Sender',
BodyTemplate: 'email-template.html',
BucketName: 'my-email-templates',
BodyData: {
name: 'John Doe',
sendEmail(emailParams, awsConfigParams)
.then((response) => console.log('Email sent successfully!', response))
.catch((error) => console.error('Failed to send email:', error));
Advanced Usage Without attachements
const { sendEmail } = require('sesemailsenderv3');
async function triggerEmail() {
try {
let params = {
FromEmailAddress: '[email protected]', // Verified email in SES
ToAddresses: ['[email protected]'], // List of recipient emails
Subject: 'Hello from SES Email Sender',
BucketName: 'your-s3-bucket-name', // (Optional) S3 bucket for email template
BodyTemplate: 'your-email-template.html', // (Optional) S3 object key for the email template
CcAddresses: ['[email protected]'], // (Optional) List of CC emails
AttachmentBucketName: 'your-s3-bucket-for-attachments', // (Optional) S3 bucket for attachments
BodyData: {
name: 'John Doe',
orderNumber: '123456',
product: 'Awesome Product'
}, // (Optional) Placeholder data for the email template
attachmentKeys: ['attachment1.pdf', 'attachment2.png'] // (Optional) Keys for attachments in S3
let awsConfig = {
region: 'ap-south-1', // AWS region for S3 and SES
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id', // Your AWS Access Key ID
secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-access-key' // Your AWS Secret Access Key
sesRegion: 'ap-southeast-1', // (Optional) Specific region for SES
s3TemplateRegion: 'ap-south-1', // (Optional) Specific region for S3 templates
s3AttachementsRegion: 'ap-south-1' // (Optional) Specific region for S3 attachments
// Send the email
await sendEmail(params, awsConfig);
console.log('Email sent successfully!');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error sending email:', error);
// Trigger the email
Email Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
| FromEmailAddress
| string
| Sender's email address. Must be verified in SES. | Yes |
| ToAddresses
| string[]
| Array of recipient email addresses. | Yes |
| Subject
| string
| Email subject. | Yes |
| CcAddresses
| string[]
| (Optional) Array of CC email addresses. | No |
| BucketName
| string
| (Optional) Name of the S3 bucket containing the email body template. | No |
| BodyTemplate
| string
| (Optional) Key of the S3 object for the email body template. | No |
| BodyData
| object
| (Optional) Key-value pairs to replace placeholders in the email template. | No |
| AttachmentBucketName
| string
| (Optional) Name of the S3 bucket containing email attachments. | No |
| attachmentKeys
| string[]
| (Optional) Keys of attachments in S3 to include in the email. | No |
AWS Config Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
| region
| string
| AWS region for the default configuration. | Yes |
| credentials
| object
| AWS credentials (accessKeyId and secretAccessKey). | No |
| sesRegion
| string
| (Optional) Specific region for SES service. | No |
| s3TemplateRegion
| string
| (Optional) Specific region for S3 templates. | No |
| s3AttachementsRegion
| string
| (Optional) Specific region for S3 attachments. | No |
Example Email Template in S3
An example HTML template file in your S3 bucket:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Email Template</title>
<h1>Hello, {{name}}</h1>
<p>Your order number is {{orderNumber}} for {{product}}.</p>
- Ensure that the
is verified in SES, especially in the sandbox environment. - The
must also be verified in the SES sandbox environment or you need production access to send mails. - Attachments must be accessible in the specified S3 bucket.