Serverless Server Spawner
Basic idea:
- Start it with
npx serverless-server-spawner
. - Invoke it with
- A configurable port.C
- A clone URL of a git Repo.B
- A branch in repoC
- It will
- Clone that repo.
- Checkout that branch.
- Recognize what was cloned.
- Find a free port
- Spawn a server
- Wait for the spawned server to start
- Redirect to the spawned server
- Keep that server alive for configurable amount of time
Repositories are recognized using configurable matchers. A matcher:
- Determines a fitting name
- How to prepare the repository before start
- How to start the server
As the servers are spawned it will keep track of all processes. Provides an API as well as a dashboard showing status of the setup.
Use cases
- Can be used to test feature-branches. Adding links from pull-requests to this server and let this server spawn servers running those features.
- ...
See example in this sandbox:
- Put them in a folder
- name them like
Example: serverless-matchers/example.matcher.js
Content should be like:
function isMatching(repoFolder) {
try {
return require(`${repoFolder}/package.json`).scripts['start'] != undefined;
} catch {
return false;
function getName(repoFolder) {
return require(`${repoFolder}/package.json`).name;
function getPrepareCommand(repoFolder) {
return `npm install`;
function preStart(repoFolder, env) {
// Do struff before start
// env contains port in evn.PORT
function getStartCommand(repoFolder) {
// Environment variable named "PORT" contains the allocated port
return `npm run start`;
function isReady(runLogContent, serverPort) {
// Optionally check log to see if server ready.
//return true;
//return new RegExp(`https?://(|localhost):${serverPort}`,'g')
// .test(runLogContent)
return new RegExp(`${serverPort}`, 'g').test(runLogContent);
module.exports = {
And you point at them with:
npx serverless-server-spawner \
--matchers-folder /path/to/serverless-matchers
Command line arguments
Usage: npx serverless-server-spawner [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-ws, --workspace <folder> Filesystem to work with.
-mf, --matchers-folder <folder> Folder containing matchers.
-p, --port <number> Server port to use (default: "8080")
-d, --dashboard-url <url> Base URL of dashboard (default: "http://localhost:8080")
-ttl, --time-to-live <minutes> Time to keep server running after it was started. (default: "30")
-bbsat, --bitbucket-server-access-token <token> Bitbucket Server access token
-bbsu, --bitbucket-server-url <url> Bitbucket Server to use for REST integration (https://bbs/rest/api/latest)
-bbsp, --bitbucket-server-projects <projects> Bitbucket Server projects. Empty will include all projects.
-mip, --minimum-port-number <port> Minimum port number to use for spawned servers (default: "9000")
-map, --maximum-port-number <port> Maximum port number to use for spawned servers (default: "9999")
-ict, --integration-cache-ttl <minutes> Cache time to live, seconds (default: "120")
-nc, --no-cleanup Do not cleanup state on startup: kill servers and clean workspace
-msbd, --minimum-seconds-between-dispatch <seconds> Minimum time between spawning new servers from same url and branch (default: "10")
-h, --help display help for command
RESTful API of the this server.
The main entry point for new repo/branches is dispatch
. It will start a server and, when started, redirect user to it.
GET /api/dispatch?cloneurl={cloneUrl}&branch={branch}
GET /api/servers
GET /api/servers/:id
GET /api/servers/:id/state
Stop, and cleanup, the server.
POST /api/servers/:id/stop
GET /api/servers/:id/log/spawn
GET /api/servers/:id/log/clone
GET /api/servers/:id/log/prepare
GET /api/servers/:id/log/run
If a Git service was configured, this will respond with clone URL:s in that service.
GET /api/cloneurlcategories
If a Git service was configured, this will respond with branches in categories.
GET /api/cloneurlcategories/:category1/:category2/branches
Clear all caches.
POST /api/clearcache
Get settings used, like port range. So that you can calculate available ports.
GET /api/settings
Developer instructions
During development it might help to start it with:
npm install \
&& npm run build \
&& node ./lib/spawner/bin.js \
--matchers-folder /home/bjerre/workspace/serverless/serverless-sandbox/matchers \
--time-to-live 1