A static file web server with options for proxing requests and delaying/mocking responses. Useful for web development.
A static Node.js file web server with options for proxing requests and delaying/mocking responses. Useful for web development.
What's new
- v0.14.0 - webpack support!
$ npm install -g server-with-benefits
Then, to setup your server(s), edit _swbConfig.json that comes with the package and rename it to swbConfig.json.
You can place this file anywhere you like, but make sure you then start the server (see Usage) from the directory where it's placed.
Alternatively (and preferably), you can avoid this restriction by setting an environment variable named SWB_CONF_FILE
with the file's full path as its value (e.g. SWB_CONF_FILE=C:\dev\swbConfig.json), or by passing the path as an only argument.
The configuration file should be of the following format:
"servers": [
"port": 80, // the server listen port (default 80)
"static": { // (OPTIONAL) the static resources that will be served.
"srcDir": "enter/your/path/here", // path to your local server root source directory
"paths": { // (OPTIONAL) define routes for specific paths, relative to the 'srcDir'
"/": "/src", // i.e. http://<your_host_name>/ -> <srcDir>/src
"/lib": "/lib" // i.e. http://<your_host_name>/lib -> <srcDir>/lib
"webpack": {
"confFile": "path/to/your/webpack.config.js"
"proxy": [ // (OPTIONAL) proxy servers for some path patterns
"target": { // can be an object with host and port, or a full url string e.g. "http://myproxy:80"
"host": "hostname",
"port": 80
"hostPattern": null, // (OPTIONAL) extract the last match from this regex executed on the url hostname, and replace the target host with it
"pathPatterns": [] // e.g. ["^/api/"] or [{"^/api/": "/"}] (for path rewrite)
"delay": { // (OPTIONAL) Adding delay to responses for some path patterns
"pathPatterns": [], // e.g. ["^/api/"],
"time": 2000 // the delay amount
"fixtures": [ // (OPTIONAL) Fixture definitions
"active": true, // On/Off switch for this fixture
"request": {
"methods": ["GET", "POST"],
"pathPattern": "^/api/rest/foo",
// (OPTIONAL) additional condition that checks that the provided object is a subset of
// the request's payload. This check is relevant only for POST, PUT and OPTIONS methods
"payload": {
"name": "bar"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": {
"hello": "Nice Fixture"
// more fixtures...
// more servers...
$ swb [config-file-path]